41 Publications (Page 1 of 2)
Developmental stasis, sensitivity, and disturbance: Linking concepts to analytic methods using impulsivity and alcohol use. Journal of Research on Adolescence
. | Journal Article
Developmental stasis, sensitivity, and disturbance: Linking concepts to analytic methods using impulsivity and alcohol use. Journal of Research on Adolescence
Hinnant, BenJager, JustinRauer, Amy J and Thompson, Morgan J
. | Journal Article
Impact of School Gardens on Nutrition Education Among Limited‐Income Communities in Alabama. Journal of School Health
. | Journal Article
The legacy of harsh parenting: Enduring and sleeper effects on trajectories of externalizing and internalizing symptoms. Developmental Psychology
. | Journal Article
Trajectories of actigraphy-derived sleep duration, quality, and variability from childhood to adolescence: downstream effects on mental health. SLEEP
. | Journal Article
What Keeps Night Owls Well During the Week? Sleep Onset Consistency as a Moderator Between Morningness–Eveningness and Adolescent Development. Behavioral Sleep Medicine
. | Journal Article
Multifinality, equifinality, and fanning: Developmental concepts and statistical implications
Hinnant, BenHinnant, BenSchulenberg, JohnSchulenberg, JohnJager, Justin and Jager, Justin
International Journal of Behavioral Development, pp. 016502542110204. | Journal Article
Onset of substance use: Deviant peer, sex, and sympathetic nervous system predictors
Gillis, B.T.Erath, S.A. and El-Sheikh, M.
Development and Psychopathology. | Journal Article
Dynamic patterns of marital conflict: Relations to trajectories of adolescent adjustment.
El-Sheikh, MonaEl-Sheikh, MonaEl Sheikh, MonaShimizu, MinaShimizu, MinaShimizu, MinaErath, Stephen AErath, Stephen AErath, Stephen A.Philbrook, Lauren EPhilbrook, Lauren E.Philbrook, Lauren EHinnant, J BenjaminHinnant, J Benjamin and Hinnant, J. Benjamin
Developmental Psychology, vol. 55, pp. 1720–1732. | Journal Article
Observed Interactions in Families of Adolescent Suicide Attempters
Aiken, Christine S.Wagner, Barry M. and Hinnant, J. Benjamin
Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior. | Journal Article
Parenting, deviant peer affiliation, and externalizing behavior during adolescence: processes conditional on sympathetic nervous system reactivity
Hinnant, J. BenjaminErath, Stephen AShimizu, Mina and El‐Sheikh, Mona
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. | Journal Article
Rewarding safe choices in peer contexts: Adolescent brain activity during decision making
Hinnant, J. BenjaminHinnant, J. BenjaminMcConnell, Leanna MMcConnell, Leanna M.Yanes, Julio AYanes, Julio A.McCormick, Michael JMcCormick, Michael J.Murphy, Jerry E.Murphy, Jerry EErath, Stephen A.Erath, Stephen ARobinson, Jennifer L and Robinson, Jennifer L.
Biological Psychology, vol. 142, pp. 45–53. | Journal Article
Approaches to modeling the development of physiological stress responsivity
Hinnant, J.B.Hinnant, J. BenjaminHinnant, J BenjaminPhilbrook, L.E.Philbrook, Lauren EPhilbrook, Lauren EErath, Stephen AErath, Stephen AErath, S.A.El Sheikh, MonaEl‐Sheikh, Mona and El-Sheikh, M.
Psychophysiology, vol. 55. | Journal Article
Codevelopment Between Key Personality Traits and Alcohol Use Disorder From Adolescence Through Young Adulthood
Samek, D.R.Samek, Diana RSamek, Diana RHicks, Brian MHicks, B.M.Hicks, Brian MDurbin, EmilyDurbin, E.Durbin, EmilyHinnant, J.B.Hinnant, J BenjaminHinnant, J. BenjaminIacono, W.G.Iacono, William GIacono, William GMcgue, MatthewMcGue, Matthew and McGue, M.
Journal of Personality, vol. 86, pp. 261-282. | Journal Article
Deviant Peer Behavior and Adolescent Delinquency: Protective Effects of Inhibitory Control, Planning, or Decision Making?
Hinnant, J. Benjamin and Forman-Alberti, Alissa B.
Journal of Research on Adolescence. | Journal Article
Approach Behaviour, Stress and Substance Use in Young Adults
Hinnant, J.B.Forman-Alberti, A.B.Aquino, A.K.Szollos, S. and Degnan, K.A.
Stress and Health, vol. 33, pp. 164-168. | Journal Article
Emotion dysregulation and threat-related attention bias variability
Bardeen, Joseph RBardeen, JosephBardeen, J.R.Daniel, Thomas ADaniel, ThomasDaniel, T.A.Hinnant, J.B.Hinnant, JHinnant, J. BenjaminOrcutt, HollyOrcutt, Holly K and Orcutt, H.K.
Motivation and Emotion, vol. 41, pp. 402-409. | Journal Article
Resting high-frequency heart rate variability moderates the association between early-life adversity and body adiposity
Curtis, D.S.Curtis, David SCurtis, D.S.Fuller-Rowell, T.E.Fuller Rowell, Thomas EFuller-Rowell, T.E.Hinnant, J.B.Hinnant, J BenjaminHinnant, J.B.Kaeppler, A.K.Kaeppler, Alexander KKaeppler, A.K.Doan, S.N.Doan, Stacey N and Doan, S.N.
Journal of Health Psychology. | Journal Article
Trajectories of sleep and cardiac sympathetic activity indexed by pre-ejection period in childhood
El-Sheikh, M.El Sheikh, MonaHinnant, J BenjaminHinnant, J.B.Philbrook, Lauren E and Philbrook, L.E.
Journal of Sleep Research, vol. 26, pp. 578-586. | Journal Article
Approach behavior and sympathetic nervous system reactivity predict substance use in young adults
Hinnant, J.B.Forman-Alberti, A.B.Freedman, A.Byrnes, L. and Degnan, K.A.
International Journal of Psychophysiology, vol. 105, pp. 35-38. | Journal Article
Links between autonomic activity and implicit learning
Forman-Alberti, A.B. and Hinnant, J.B.
International Journal of Psychophysiology, vol. 110, pp. 75-80. | Journal Article
Permissive Parenting, Deviant Peer Affiliations, and Delinquent Behavior in Adolescence: the Moderating Role of Sympathetic Nervous System Reactivity
Hinnant, JHinnant, J.B.Erath, StephenErath, S.A.Tu, K.M.Tu, KellyEl-Sheikh, M.El-sheikh, Mona and El Sheikh, Mona
Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, vol. 44, pp. 1071-1081. | Journal Article
Harsh parenting, parasympathetic activity, and development of delinquency and substance use
Hinnant, J BenjaminBenjamin Hinnant, J.Erath, S.A. and El Sheikh, M.
Journal of Abnormal Psychology, vol. 124, pp. 137-151. | Journal Article
VI. marital conflict, vagal regulation, and children's sleep: A longitudinal investigation
El-Sheikh, MonaEl Sheikh, M.Hinnant, J. BenjaminHinnant, J.B.Erath, S.A. and Erath, Stephen A
Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, vol. 80, pp. 89-106. | Journal Article
Sleep and cognitive performance: The role of income and respiratory sinus arrhythmia reactivity
Staton, L.Hinnant, J.B.Buckhalt, J. and El Sheikh, M.
Developmental Psychobiology, vol. 56, pp. 1528-1540. | Journal Article