152 Publications (Page 6 of 7)
Cache management techniques for privacy preserving location-based services
Chen, Y.Bao, J.Ku, W.-S. and Huang, J.-L.
(pp. 88-93)
Efficient updates for continuous skyline computations
Hsueh, Y.-L.Zimmermann, R. and Ku, W.-S.
(pp. 419-433)
Maintaining CDS in mobile ad hoc networks
Sakai, K.Sun, M.-T.Ku, W.-S. and Okada, H.
(pp. 141-153)
Malicious node detection in wireless sensor networks using weighted trust evaluation
Atakli, I.M.Hu, H.Chen, Y.Ku, W.-S. and Su, Z.
(pp. 836-843)
Nearest neighbor queries with peer-to-peer data sharing in mobile environments
Ku, Wei-Shinn and Zimmermann, Roger
Pervasive and Mobile Computing, vol. 4, (no. 5), pp. 788, 2008. | Journal Article
The multi-rule partial sequenced route query
Chen, H.Ku, W.-S.Sun, M.-T. and Zimmermann, R.
(pp. 65-74)
Collaborative Detection of DDoS Attacks over Multiple Network Domains
Chen, YuChen, YuHwang, KaiHwang, KaiKu, Wei-Shinn and Ku, Wei-Shinn
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 18, (no. 12), pp. 1649-1662, 2007. | Journal Article
Distributed change-point detection of ddos attacks: Experimental results on DETER testbed
Chen, Y.Hwang, K. and Ku, W.-S.
Location based spatial queries in mobile environments (Dissertation)
Ku, Wei-Shinn (2007).
Location based spatial queries in mobile environments. (Dissertation)
Ku, Wei-Shinn (2007).
Location based spatial queries in mobile environments.
Ku, Wei-Shinn
Dissertation Abstracts International. Vol. 68, vol. 68, (no. 05), pp. 149, 2007. | Journal Article
Location-based spatial queries with data sharing in wireless broadcast environments
Ku, W.-S.Zimmermann, R. and Wang, H.
(pp. 1355-1359)
Partition-based lazy updates for continuous queries over moving objects
Hsueh, Y.-L.Zimmermann, R.Wang, H. and Ku, W.-S.
(pp. 284-291)
Privacy protected query processing on spatial networks
Ku, W.-S.Zimmermann, R.Peng, W.-C. and Shroff, S.
(pp. 215-220)
A Distributed Geotechnical Information Management and Exchange Architecture
Zimmermann, RogerKu, Wei-ShinnWang, HaojunZand, Amir and Bardet, Jean Pierre
IEEE Internet Computing, vol. 10, (no. 5), pp. 26-33, Sep 2006. | Journal Article
ANNATTO: Adaptive nearest neighbor queries in travel time networks
Ku, W.-S.Zimmermann, R.Wang, H. and Nguyen, T.
(pp. 50)
ANNATTO:Adaptive Nearest Neighbor Queries in Travel Time Networks
Ku, Wei-ShinnZimmermann, RogerWang, Haojun and Nguyen, Trung
International Conference On Mobile Data Management: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM'06) - Volume 00; 10-12 May 2006. 2006. | Conference Proceeding
Distributed continuous range query processing on moving objects
Wang, H.Zimmermann, R. and Ku, W.-S.
(pp. 655-665)
GIME: A geotechnical information exchange architecture using web services
Ku, W.-S. and Zimmermann, R.
(pp. 110-132)
Location-Based spatial queries with data sharing in mobile environments
Ku, W.-S. and Zimmermann, R.
MAPLE: A mobile scalable P2P nearest neighbor query system for location-based services
Ku, W.-S.Zimmermann, R.Wan, C.-N. and Wang, H.
(pp. 160)
Adaptive nearest neighbor queries in travel time networks
Ku, Wei-ShinnZimmermann, RogerWang, Haojun and Wan, Chi-Ngai
Geographic Information Systems: Proceedings of the 13th annual ACM international workshop on Geographic information systems; 04-05 Nov. 2005. 2005. | Conference Proceeding
ASPEN:an adaptive spatial peer-to-peer network
Wang, HaojunZimmermann, Roger and Ku, Wei-Shinn
Geographic Information Systems: Proceedings of the 13th annual ACM international workshop on Geographic information systems; 04-05 Nov. 2005. 2005. | Conference Proceeding
ASPEN: An adaptive spatial peer-to-peer network
Wang, H.Zimmermann, R. and Ku, W.-S.
(pp. 230-239)
Efficient query routing in distributed spatial databases
Zimmermann, RogerKu, Wei-Shinn and Chu, Wei-Cheng
Geographic Information Systems: Proceedings of the 12th annual ACM international workshop on Geographic information systems; 12-13 Nov. 2004. 2004. | Conference Proceeding