152 Publications (Page 5 of 7)
SkyEngine: Efficient skyline search engine for continuous skyline computations
Hsueh, Y.-L.Zimmermann, R.Ku, W.-S. and Jin, Y.
(pp. 1316-1319)
The optimal k-covering tag deployment for RFID-based localization
Ku, Wei-ShinnSakai, Kazuya and Sun, Min-Te
Journal of Network and Computer Applications, vol. 34, (no. 3), pp. 924, 2011. | Journal Article
The partial sequenced route query with traveling rules in road networks
Chen, HaiquanChen, HaiquanKu, Wei-shinnKu, Wei-ShinnSun, Min-TeSun, Min-teZimmermann, Roger and Zimmermann, Roger
GeoInformatica, vol. 15, (no. 3), pp. 541-569, 2011. | Journal Article
Timer-Based CDS Construction in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
Sakai, KazuyaHuang, Scott CKu, Wei-ShinnSun, Min-Te and Cheng, Susan
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 10, (no. 10), pp. 1388-1402, 2011. | Journal Article
Analysis of integrity vulnerabilities and a non-repudiation protocol for cloud data storage platforms
Feng, J.Chen, Y.Ku, W.-S. and Liu, P.
(pp. 251-258)
A novel DDoS attack defending framework with minimized bilateral damages
Chen, Y.Ku, W.-S.Sakai, K. and DeCruze, C.
Cleansing uncertain databases leveraging aggregate constraints
Chen, H.Ku, W.-S. and Wang, H.
(pp. 128-135)
D-DOG: Securing sensitive data in distributed storage space by data division and out-of-order keystream generation
Feng, J.Chen, Y.Ku, W.-S. and Su, Z.
Efficient evaluation of ?-Range Nearest Neighbor queries in road networks
Bao, J.Chow, C.-Y.Mokbel, M.F. and Ku, W.-S.
(pp. 115-124)
Efficient Location Updates for Continuous Queries over Moving Objects
Hsueh, Yu-LingZimmermann, Roger and Ku, Wei-Shinn
Journal of Computer Science and Technology, vol. 25, (no. 3), pp. 415-430, 2010. | Journal Article
INTACT: A spatial query integrity assurance framework for location-based services
Wang, C.-J.Ku, W.-S.Hu, L. and Shahabi, C.
(pp. 536-537)
Leveraging spatio-temporal redundancy for RFID data cleansing
Chen, H.Ku, W.-S.Wang, H. and Sun, M.-T.
(pp. 51-62)
Message-Efficient CDS construction in MANETs
Sakai, K.Sun, M.-T. and Ku, W.-S.
(pp. 186-191)
Verifying spatial queries using voronoi neighbors
Hu, L.Ku, W.-S.Bakiras, S. and Shahabi, C.
(pp. 350-359)
Adaptive safe regions for continuous spatial queries over moving objects
Hsueh, Y.-L.Zimmermann, R. and Ku, W.-S.
(pp. 71-76)
Fast connected dominating set construction in mobile ad hoc networks
Sakai, K.Sun, M.-T. and Ku, W.-S.
Group-server scheduling for continuous multimedia streaming in MANETs
Sakai, K.Ku, W.-S. and Zimmermann, R.
(pp. 400-405)
Modern navigation systems and related spatial query
Ku, W.-S.Wang, H. and Zimmermann, R.
(pp. 285-292)
PLUS: A message-efficient prototype for location-based applications
Hsueh, Y.-L.Zimmermann, R.Ku, W.-S.Wang, H. and Wang, C.-D.
(pp. 1515-1518)
Privacy Protected Spatial Query Processing for Advanced Location Based Services
Ku, Wei-ShinnChen, Yu and Zimmermann, Roger
Wireless Personal Communications, vol. 51, (no. 1), pp. 65, 2009-10-00. | Journal Article
PROS: A peer-to-peer system for location privacy protection on road networks (demo paper)
Bao, J.Chen, H. and Ku, W.-S.
(pp. 552-553)
Query integrity assurance of location-based services accessing outsourced spatial databases
Ku, W.-S.Hu, L.Shahabi, C. and Wang, H.
(pp. 80-97)
Self-encryption scheme for data security in mobile devices
Chen, Y. and Ku, W.-S.
Weighted trust evaluation-based malicious node detection for wireless sensor networks
Hu, HongbingChen, YuKu, Wei-ShinnSu, Zhou and Chen, Chung-Han J
International Journal of Information and Computer Security, vol. 3, (no. 2), pp. 132-149, 2009. | Journal Article
A cloaking algorithm based on spatial networks for location privacy
Li, P.-Y.Peng, W.-C.Wang, T.-W.Ku, W.-S.Xu, J. and Hamilton Jr., J.A.
(pp. 90-97)