152 Publications (Page 4 of 7)
Toward mining user traversal patterns in the indoor environment
Teng, S.-Y.Chung, T.-Y.Chuang, K.-T. and Ku, W.-S.
(pp. 677-688)
A Bayesian Inference-Based Framework for RFID Data Cleansing
Ku, Wei-ShinnChen, HaiquanWang, Haixun and Sun, Min-Te
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, vol. 25, (no. 10), pp. 2191, 2013-Oct.. | Journal Article
An RFID and particle filter-based indoor spatial query evaluation system
Yu, J.Ku, W.-S.Sun, M.-T. and Lu, H.
(pp. 263-274)
A query integrity assurance scheme for accessing outsourced spatial databases
Ku, Wei-ShinnHu, LingShahabi, Cyrus and Wang, Haixun
GeoInformatica, vol. 17, (no. 1), pp. 97-124, 2013. | Journal Article
ARMORY: An automatic security testing tool for buffer overflow defect detection
Chen, Li-HanHsu, Fu-HauHwang, YanlingSu, Mu-ChunKu, Wei-Shinn and Chang, Chi-Hsuan
Computers and Electrical Engineering, vol. 39, (no. 7), pp. 2242, October 2013. | Journal Article
A spatial keyword evaluation framework for network-based spatial queries
Zhang, J.Ku, W.-S.Jiang, X. and Qin, X.
(pp. 498-501)
Dynamic Bit Encoding for Privacy Protection against Correlation Attacks in RFID Backward Channel
Sakai, KKu, Wei-ShinnZimmermann, R and Sun, Min-Te
IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. 62, (no. 1), pp. 123, 2013-Jan.. | Journal Article
Evaluation of spatial keyword queries with partial result support on spatial networks
Zhang, J.Ku, W.-S.Jiang, X.Qin, X. and Hsueh, Y.-L.
(pp. 279-282)
Geo-Store: A Framework for Supporting Semantics-Enabled Location-Based Services
Ku, Wei-ShinnChen, HaiquanWang, Chih-Jye and Liu, Chuan-Ming
IEEE Internet Computing, vol. 17, (no. 2), pp. 35-43, 2013. | Journal Article
LAVI: A location aware virtual infrastructure for VANETs
Golatkar, R.B.Chen, Y. and Ku, W.-S.
(pp. 1-6)
LinkProbe: Probabilistic inference on large-scale social networks
Chen, H.Ku, W.-S.Wang, H.Tang, L. and Sun, M.-T.
(pp. 290-301)
Privacy preserving continuous multimedia streaming in MANETs
Sakai, KazuyaKu, Wei-ShinnSun, Min-Te and Zimmermann, Roger
ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMM), vol. 9, (no. 4), pp. 22, 08-01-2013. | Journal Article
Randomized Skip Lists-based private authentication for large-scale RFID systems
Sakai, K.Sun, M.-T.Ku, W.-S. and Lai, T.H.
(pp. 277-280)
Spatial Query Integrity with Voronoi Neighbors
Hu, LingKu, Wei-ShinnBakiras, S and Shahabi, C
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, vol. 25, (no. 4), pp. 876, 2013-April. | Journal Article
Anonymous sensory data collection approach for mobile participatory sensing
Wang, C.-J. and Ku, W.-S.
(pp. 220-227)
Caching support for skyline query processing with partially-ordered domains
Hsueh, Y.-L.Zimmermann, R. and Ku, W.-S.
(pp. 386-389)
Efficient evaluation of skyline queries in wireless data broadcast environments
Wang, C.-J. and Ku, W.-S.
(pp. 442-445)
Enforcing k nearest neighbor query integrity on road networks
Hu, L.Jing, Y.Ku, W.-S. and Shahabi, C.
(pp. 422-425)
Geo-Store: A spatially-augmented SPARQL query evaluation system
Wang, C.-J.Ku, W.-S. and Chen, H.
(pp. 562-565)
A location aware virtual infrastructure for VANETs
Chen, Y.Wang, C.-J.Ku, W.-S. and Su, Z.
(pp. 820-821)
BMF: Bitmapped Mass Fingerprinting for fast protein identification
Yu, WeikuanYu, W.Yu, W.Wu, K.J.Wu, K.J.Wu, K. JohnKu, W.-S.Ku, W.-S.Ku, Wei-ShinnXu, C.Xu, C.Xu, CongGao, JuanGao, J. and Gao, J.
(pp. 17-25)
Enhancing cloud storage security against roll-back attacks with a new fair multi-party non-repudiation protocol
Feng, J.Chen, Y.Summerville, D.Ku, W.-S. and Su, Z.
(pp. 521-522)
Mitigating DDoS attacks using protection nodes in mobile ad hoc networks
Xiang, M.Chen, Y.Ku, W.-S. and Su, Z.
Querying uncertain data with aggregate constraints
Yang, M.Wang, H.Chen, H. and Ku, W.-S.
(pp. 817-828)
Secure Distributed Data Storage in Cloud Computing
Chen, Y.Ku, W.-S.Feng, J.Liu, P. and Su, Z.
(pp. 221-248)