46 Publications (Page 1 of 2)
“Cuddle buddies”: Couples sleep position closeness at onset is indirectly related to lower insecure attachment through lower couple perceived stress. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships
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A dyadic analysis of anti-fat attitudes and partners’ diet-related influence among gay married men. Psychology & Health
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Dyadic, biobehavioral, and sociocultural approaches to romantic relationships and health: Implications for research, practice, and policy. Social and Personality Psychology Compass
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Exploring the Intuitive Eating Scale-2 and Dyadic Associations Between Mental Health and Relational Dynamics in a Sample of Married Male Sexual Minority Couples. Contemporary Family Therapy
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Predictors of collaborative coping in couples managing type 2 diabetes: Illness factors, relationship factors, and interdependent personality traits. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships
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A test of the dyadic associations between ineffective arguing, emotional distress, and violence perpetration and victimization among couples seeking therapy. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy
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Examining the link between exercise-specific relational processes and physical activity, psychological distress, and relationship satisfaction among heterosexual and gay male couples. Journal of Health PsychologyNovak, Joshua R⋅August, Kristin J⋅Wei, Menglin⋅Gast, Julie and Peak, Terry.
| Journal Article
Yours, mine, or ours? Dyadic sleep hygiene and associations with sleep quality, emotional distress, and conflict frequency in mixed‐gender, bed‐sharing couples. Journal of Sleep Research
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Aging together: Dyadic profiles of older couples’ marital quality, psychological well-being, and physical health. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships
A primer on sleep for MFTs: Implications and practical considerationsNovak, Joshua R and Gillis, Brian TJournal of Marital and Family Therapy, vol. 48, (no. 2), pp. 543-559, Apr 2022.
| Journal Article
Associations between Changes in Fat-Free Mass, Fecal Microbe Diversity, and Mood Disturbance in Young Adults after 10-Weeks of Resistance Training. Microorganisms
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Examining foodwork and eating behaviors among heterosexual and gay male couplesAugust, Kristin J.⋅August, Kristin J.⋅Novak, Josh R.⋅Novak, Josh R.⋅Peak, Terry⋅Peak, Terry⋅Gast, Julie⋅Gast, Julie⋅Miyairi, Maya and Miyairi, MayaAppetite, pp. 105953.
| Journal Article
Exploring typologies of appraisals, involvement, and distress in type 2 diabetes family members. Journal of Health PsychologyNovak, Josh R⋅August, Kristin J⋅Kavookjian, Jan⋅Whitley, Heather and Burnett, Donna
Family systems and obesity: A review of key concepts and influences within and between family subsystems and a call for family‐informed interventions. Journal of Family Theory & ReviewNovak, Josh R.⋅Pratt, Keeley⋅Hernandez, Daphne C. and Berge, Jerica M.
New Opportunities for Advancing Dyadic Health Science in Gerontology. The Gerontologist
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A framework for incorporating physical activity in treatment: Competencies, guidelines, and implications for family therapists
Journal of Marital and Family Therapy. | Journal Article
A primer on sleep for MFTs: Implications and practical considerations
Journal of Marital and Family Therapy. | Journal Article
Outcomes from a pilot online Acceptance and Commitment Therapy program for dementia family caregivers
Aging & Mental Health. | Journal Article
What MFTs should know about nutrition, psychosocial health, and collaborative care with nutrition professionals
Journal of Marital and Family Therapy. | Journal Article
A qualitative inquiry on religious married men’s perceptions of relationship dynamics during everyday sickness
Journal of Health Psychology. | Journal Article
Associations between partner’s diet undermining and poor diet in mixed-weight, older gay married couples: a dyadic mediation model
Psychology & Health. | Journal Article
Caregiving and caring with pride: Health behavior work among older gay married couples
Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services. | Journal Article
Associations Between Masculine Norms and Health-Care Utilization in Highly Religious, Heterosexual Men
Peak, Terry⋅Gast, Julie and Arnell, Melinda
American Journal of Men's Health. | Journal Article
Initial development of a new scale for examining couples’ beliefs about their role in their partner’s health: The Relationship Health Belief ScaleNovak, Josh RFamilies, Systems, & Health, vol. 37, (no. 3), pp. 234, 2019-09-00.
| Journal Article
The Impact of Relationship Education on the Couple Relationship: A Grounded Theory of Intentionality and AwarenessNovak, Joshua R.⋅Whiting, Jason B.⋅Brown, Matthew D. and Harris, Steven M.Journal of Couple & Relationship Therapy, pp. 1–22.
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