2 Grants
Fostering an Induction into Authentic Research in the Freshman/Sophomore Sequence
Miller, MatthewCartrette, David and Emo, Kenneth
National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate for Education & Human Resources, Division of Undergraduate Education (ID: 1044419), $199,907USD, 08/01/2011 -- 07/31/2013
MRI: Acquisition of an Ultra High Performance Liquid-Chromatography Tandem Mass-Spectrometer for a Multi-user Core Mass-Spectrometry Facility
Logue, BrianMiller, MatthewJing, Linhong and Cole Dai, Jihong
National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate for Mathematical & Physical Sciences, Division of Chemistry (ID: 0922816), $552,613USD, 09/01/2009 -- 08/31/2012