168 Publications (Page 1 of 7)
Industrial hemp in Nepal: Production and valorization perspectives. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
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Research trends in life cycle assessment of hydrogen production: Methodological review on thermochemical conversion processes. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
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A Comparative Analysis of Bio-Oil Collected Using an Electrostatic Precipitator from the Pyrolysis of Douglas Fir, Eucalyptus, and Poplar Biomass. Energies
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Magnesium doped biochar for simultaneous adsorption of phosphate and nitrogen ions from aqueous solution. Chemosphere
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Mono-and bi-metal catalytic hydrothermal liquefaction of food waste: screening the process parameter on product yield and characterizations. Journal of Cleaner Production
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Production of Aviation Fuel-Range Hydrocarbons Through Catalytic Co-Pyrolysis of Polystyrene and Southern Pine. Catalysts
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Properties of polylactic acid and biochar-based composites for environment-friendly plant containers. Cleaner Engineering and Technology
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Selective production of phenolic monomer via catalytic depolymerization of lignin over cobalt-nickel-zirconium dioxide catalyst. Bioresource Technology
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Upcycling Polyurethane Plastics via Thermochemical Conversion Pathways: A Comparison of Hydrothermal Liquefaction and Pyrolysis Processes. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering
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Catalytic Depolymerization of Lignin for the Selective Production of Phenolic Monomers over Cobalt-Supported Calcium Catalysts. Energy & Fuels
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Depolymerization of Household Plastic Waste via Catalytic Hydrothermal Liquefaction. Energy & Fuels
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Effect of calcium and potassium on activity of mordenite-supported nickel catalyst for hydrogen production from biomass gasification. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
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Mechanistic understanding of perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) sorption by biochars. Chemosphere
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Phosphorus adsorption using chemical and metal chloride activated biochars: Isotherms, kinetics and mechanism study. Heliyon
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Thermochemical Characterization and Kinetics of Biomass, Municipal Plastic Waste, and Coal Blends and Their Potential for Energy Generation via Gasification. ACS Omega
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Multiscale Catalytic Fast Pyrolysis of Grindelia Reveals Opportunities for Generating Low Oxygen Content Bio-Oils from Drought Tolerant BiomassCross, Phillip⋅Iisa, Kristiina⋅To, Anh⋅Nimlos, Mark⋅Carpenter, Daniel⋅Mayer, Jesse A.⋅Cushman, John C.⋅Neupane, Bishnu⋅Miller, Glenn C.⋅Adhikari, Sushil and Mukarakate, CalvinAmerican Chemical Society (ACS)
Role and Responsibility of Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering in Providing Safe and Sufficient Nitrogen Fertilizer Supply at Turbulent Times. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering
Sorption and recovery of phenolic compounds from aqueous phase of sewage sludge hydrothermal liquefaction using bio-charWang, Pixiang⋅Tyndall, Sarah⋅Rahman, Tawsif⋅Roy, Poulami⋅Jahromi, Hossein⋅Adhikari, Sushil and Boersma, Melissa(pp. 131934). Elsevier BV
Biopolymers Fractionation and Synthesis of Nanocellulose/Silica Nanoparticles from Agricultural ByproductsShahi, Naresh⋅Wang, Pixiang⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Min, Byungjin and Rangari, Vijaya K.(pp. 6284–6295). American Chemical Society (ACS)
Effect of ammonia removal and biochar detoxification on anaerobic digestion of aqueous phase from municipal sludge hydrothermal liquefaction.Wang, Pixiang⋅Wang, Pixiang⋅Wang, Pixiang⋅Sakhno, Yuriy⋅Sakhno, Yuriy⋅Sakhno, Yuriy⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Peng, Haixin⋅Peng, Haixin⋅Peng, Haixin⋅Jaisi, Deb⋅Jaisi, Deb⋅Jaisi, Deb⋅Soneye, Temitope⋅Soneye, Temitope⋅Soneye, Temitope⋅Higgins, Brendan⋅Higgins, Brendan⋅Higgins, Brendan⋅Wang, Qichen⋅Wang, Qichen and Wang, QichenBioresource technology, vol. 326, pp. 124730, January 27, 2021.
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Influence of Biomass Inorganics on the Functionality of H\mathplusZSM-5 Catalyst during In-Situ Catalytic Fast PyrolysisMahadevan, Ravishankar⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Shakya, Rajdeep and Fasina, Oladiran(pp. 124). MDPI AG
Production of Daphnia zooplankton on wastewater-grown algae for sustainable conversion of waste nutrients to fish feedHyman, Miriam⋅Hyman, Miriam⋅Wang, Qichen⋅Wang, Qichen⋅Wilson, Alan E.⋅Wilson, Alan E.⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Higgins, Brendan T. and Higgins, Brendan T.(pp. 127501). Elsevier BV
Production of green transportation fuels from Brassica carinata oil: A comparative study of noble and transition metal catalystsJahromi, Hossein⋅Jahromi, Hossein⋅Jahromi, Hossein⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Roy, Poulami⋅Roy, Poulami⋅Roy, Poulami⋅Hassani, Ehsan⋅Hassani, Ehsan⋅Hassani, Ehsan⋅Pope, Conner⋅Pope, Conner⋅Pope, Conner⋅Oh, Tae-Sik⋅Oh, Tae-Sik⋅Oh, Tae-Sik⋅Karki, Yubaraj⋅Karki, Yubaraj and Karki, YubarajFuel Processing Technology, vol. 215, May 2021.
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Synthesis of Biobased Novolac Phenol–Formaldehyde Wood Adhesives from Biorefinery-Derived Lignocellulosic BiomassBansode, Archana⋅Bansode, A.⋅Barde, M.⋅Barde, Mehul⋅Asafu-Adjaye, O.⋅Asafu-Adjaye, Osei⋅Patil, Vivek⋅Patil, V.⋅Hinkle, John⋅Hinkle, J.⋅Via, B.K.⋅Via, Brian K.⋅Adhikari, S.⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Adamczyk, Andrew J.⋅Adamczyk, A.J.⋅Farag, Ramsis⋅Farag, R.⋅Elder, T.⋅Elder, Thomas⋅Labbé, Nicole⋅Labbé, N.⋅Auad, M.L. and Auad, Maria L.American Chemical Society (ACS)
Synthesis of Novel Biolubricants from Waste Cooking Oil and Cyclic Oxygenates through an Integrated Catalytic ProcessJahromi, Hossein⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Roy, Poulami⋅Shelley, Madison⋅Hassani, Ehsan and Oh, Tae-SikAmerican Chemical Society (ACS)