168 Publications (Page 1 of 7)
Industrial hemp in Nepal: Production and valorization perspectives. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
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Research trends in life cycle assessment of hydrogen production: Methodological review on thermochemical conversion processes. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
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A Comparative Analysis of Bio-Oil Collected Using an Electrostatic Precipitator from the Pyrolysis of Douglas Fir, Eucalyptus, and Poplar Biomass. Energies
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Magnesium doped biochar for simultaneous adsorption of phosphate and nitrogen ions from aqueous solution. Chemosphere
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Mono-and bi-metal catalytic hydrothermal liquefaction of food waste: screening the process parameter on product yield and characterizations. Journal of Cleaner Production
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Production of Aviation Fuel-Range Hydrocarbons Through Catalytic Co-Pyrolysis of Polystyrene and Southern Pine. Catalysts
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Properties of polylactic acid and biochar-based composites for environment-friendly plant containers. Cleaner Engineering and Technology
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Selective production of phenolic monomer via catalytic depolymerization of lignin over cobalt-nickel-zirconium dioxide catalyst. Bioresource Technology
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Upcycling Polyurethane Plastics via Thermochemical Conversion Pathways: A Comparison of Hydrothermal Liquefaction and Pyrolysis Processes. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering
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Catalytic Depolymerization of Lignin for the Selective Production of Phenolic Monomers over Cobalt-Supported Calcium Catalysts. Energy & Fuels
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Depolymerization of Household Plastic Waste via Catalytic Hydrothermal Liquefaction. Energy & Fuels
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Effect of calcium and potassium on activity of mordenite-supported nickel catalyst for hydrogen production from biomass gasification. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
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Mechanistic understanding of perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) sorption by biochars. Chemosphere
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Phosphorus adsorption using chemical and metal chloride activated biochars: Isotherms, kinetics and mechanism study. Heliyon
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Thermochemical Characterization and Kinetics of Biomass, Municipal Plastic Waste, and Coal Blends and Their Potential for Energy Generation via Gasification. ACS Omega
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Multiscale Catalytic Fast Pyrolysis of Grindelia Reveals Opportunities for Generating Low Oxygen Content Bio-Oils from Drought Tolerant Biomass
Cross, PhillipIisa, KristiinaTo, AnhNimlos, MarkCarpenter, DanielMayer, Jesse A.Cushman, John C.Neupane, BishnuMiller, Glenn C.Adhikari, Sushil and Mukarakate, Calvin
American Chemical Society (ACS)
Role and Responsibility of Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering in Providing Safe and Sufficient Nitrogen Fertilizer Supply at Turbulent Times. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering
Sorption and recovery of phenolic compounds from aqueous phase of sewage sludge hydrothermal liquefaction using bio-char
Wang, PixiangTyndall, SarahRahman, TawsifRoy, PoulamiJahromi, HosseinAdhikari, Sushil and Boersma, Melissa
(pp. 131934). Elsevier BV
Biopolymers Fractionation and Synthesis of Nanocellulose/Silica Nanoparticles from Agricultural Byproducts
Shahi, NareshWang, PixiangAdhikari, SushilMin, Byungjin and Rangari, Vijaya K.
(pp. 6284–6295). American Chemical Society (ACS)
Effect of ammonia removal and biochar detoxification on anaerobic digestion of aqueous phase from municipal sludge hydrothermal liquefaction.
Wang, PixiangWang, PixiangWang, PixiangSakhno, YuriySakhno, YuriySakhno, YuriyAdhikari, SushilAdhikari, SushilAdhikari, SushilPeng, HaixinPeng, HaixinPeng, HaixinJaisi, DebJaisi, DebJaisi, DebSoneye, TemitopeSoneye, TemitopeSoneye, TemitopeHiggins, BrendanHiggins, BrendanHiggins, BrendanWang, QichenWang, Qichen and Wang, Qichen
Bioresource technology, vol. 326, pp. 124730, January 27, 2021. | Journal Article
Influence of Biomass Inorganics on the Functionality of H\mathplusZSM-5 Catalyst during In-Situ Catalytic Fast Pyrolysis
Mahadevan, RavishankarAdhikari, SushilShakya, Rajdeep and Fasina, Oladiran
(pp. 124). MDPI AG
Production of Daphnia zooplankton on wastewater-grown algae for sustainable conversion of waste nutrients to fish feed
Hyman, MiriamHyman, MiriamWang, QichenWang, QichenWilson, Alan E.Wilson, Alan E.Adhikari, SushilAdhikari, SushilHiggins, Brendan T. and Higgins, Brendan T.
(pp. 127501). Elsevier BV
Production of green transportation fuels from Brassica carinata oil: A comparative study of noble and transition metal catalysts
Jahromi, HosseinJahromi, HosseinJahromi, HosseinAdhikari, SushilAdhikari, SushilAdhikari, SushilRoy, PoulamiRoy, PoulamiRoy, PoulamiHassani, EhsanHassani, EhsanHassani, EhsanPope, ConnerPope, ConnerPope, ConnerOh, Tae-SikOh, Tae-SikOh, Tae-SikKarki, YubarajKarki, Yubaraj and Karki, Yubaraj
Fuel Processing Technology, vol. 215, May 2021. | Journal Article
Synthesis of Biobased Novolac Phenol–Formaldehyde Wood Adhesives from Biorefinery-Derived Lignocellulosic Biomass
Bansode, ArchanaBansode, A.Barde, M.Barde, MehulAsafu-Adjaye, O.Asafu-Adjaye, OseiPatil, VivekPatil, V.Hinkle, JohnHinkle, J.Via, B.K.Via, Brian K.Adhikari, S.Adhikari, SushilAdamczyk, Andrew J.Adamczyk, A.J.Farag, RamsisFarag, R.Elder, T.Elder, ThomasLabbé, NicoleLabbé, N.Auad, M.L. and Auad, Maria L.
American Chemical Society (ACS)
Synthesis of Novel Biolubricants from Waste Cooking Oil and Cyclic Oxygenates through an Integrated Catalytic Process
Jahromi, HosseinAdhikari, SushilRoy, PoulamiShelley, MadisonHassani, Ehsan and Oh, Tae-Sik
American Chemical Society (ACS)