167 Publications (Page 2 of 7)
Thermo-catalytic co-pyrolysis of biomass and high-density polyethylene for improving the yield and quality of pyrolysis liquid
Rahman, Md HBhoi, Prakashbhai RSaha, ArpitaPatil, Vivek and Adhikari, Sushil
Energy, vol. 225, Jun 15, 2021. | Journal Article
Effect of Pyrolysis Method on Physical Properties of Activated Biochar and its Application as Cathode Material for Lithium-Sulfur Battery
Sajib, Sourov K and Adhikari, Sushil
Transactions of the ASABE, vol. 63, (no. 2), 2020. | Journal Article
Enriched hydrogen production over air and air-steam fluidized bed gasification in a bubbling fluidized bed reactor with CaO: Effects of biomass and bed material catalyst
Nam, HyungseokWang, ShuangSanjeev, KCSeo, Myung WAdhikari, SushilShakya, RajdeepLee, Doyeon and Shanmugam, Saravanan R
Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 225, Dec 1, 2020. | Journal Article
Hydrogen production via thermocatalytic decomposition of methane using carbon-based catalysts.
Harun, KhalidaAdhikari, Sushil and Jahromi, Hossein
RSC advances, vol. 10, (no. 67), pp. 40882-40893, November 9, 2020. | Journal Article
Hydrogen production via thermocatalytic decomposition of methane using carbon-based catalysts. RSC Advances
Production of Novolac Resin after Partial Substitution of Phenol from Bio-Oil
Adhikari, SushilAuad, MariaVia, BrianShah, Ajay and Patil, Vivek
Transactions of the ASABE, vol. 63, (no. 4), 2020. | Journal Article
Adsorption and Desorption Behavior of Herbicide Using Bio-Based Materials
Shanmugam, Saravanan RamiahAdhikari, SushilNam, Hyungseok and Patil, Vivek
Transactions of the ASABE, vol. 62, (no. 6), pp. 1445, 2019-00-00. | Journal Article
Characterization of bio-carbon and ligno-cellulosic fiber reinforced bio-composites with compatibilizer
Bajwa, DilpreetAdhikari, SushilShojaeiarani, JamilehBajwa, SreekalaPandey, Pankaj and Shanmugam, Saravanan
Construction and Building Materials, vol. 204, pp. 193, 20190420. | Journal Article
Direct biodiesel production from wet microalgae assisted by radio frequency heating
Ma, Y.Ma, YichaoMa, YichaoMa, YichaoLiu, ShaoyangLiu, ShaoyangLiu, S.Liu, ShaoyangWang, Y.Wang, YiWang, YiWang, YiWang, YifenAdhikari, S.Adhikari, SushilAdhikari, SushilAdhikari, SushilDempster, Thomas ADempster, Thomas ADempster, Thomas ADempster, T.A.Wang, YifenWang, Y. and Wang, Yifen
Fuel, vol. 256, pp. 115994, 2019-11-15. | Journal Article
Effect of Calcium Formate on Hydrodeoxygenation of Biomass Model Compounds
Neeli, Sai TejaShakya, RajdeepAdhikari, Sushil and Ramsurn, Hema
Energy & Fuels, vol. 33, (no. 2), pp. 1324, 2019-02-21. | Journal Article
Leaching and anaerobic digestion of poultry litter for biogas production and nutrient transformation
Chaump, KristinChaump, KristinChaump, KristinPreisser, MatthewPreisser, MatthewPreisser, MatthewShanmugam, Saravanan RShanmugam, Saravanan RShanmugam, Saravanan RPrasad, RishiPrasad, RishiPrasad, RishiAdhikari, SushilAdhikari, SushilAdhikari, SushilHiggins, Brendan THiggins, Brendan T and Higgins, Brendan T
Waste Management, vol. 84, pp. 422, 2019-02-01. | Journal Article
Aspen plus simulation to predict steady state performance of biomass-CO 2 gasification in a fluidized bed gasifier
Sadhwani, NarendraSadhwani, NarendraAdhikari, SushilAdhikari, SushilEden, Mario REden, Mario RLi, Pengcheng and Li, Pengcheng
Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, vol. 12, (no. 3), pp. 389, 2018-05-00. | Journal Article
Blended Feedstocks for Thermochemical Conversion: Biomass Characterization and Bio-Oil Production From Switchgrass-Pine Residues Blends
Edmunds, CharlesEdmunds, CharlesEdmunds, Charles W.Molina, Eliezer A. ReyesMolina, EliezerMolina, EliezerAndre, NicolasAndré, NicolasAndre, NicolasHamilton, ChooHamilton, ChooHamilton, ChooPark, SunkyuPark, SunkyuPark, SunkyuFasina, OladiranFasina, OladiranFasina, OladiranAdhikari, SushilAdhikari, SushilAdhikari, SushilKelley, Stephen S.Kelley, StephenKelley, StephenTumuluru, JayaTumuluru, Jaya S.Tumuluru, JayaRials, Timothy G.Rials, TimothyRials, TimothyLabbé, NicoleLabbe, Nicole and Labbe, Nicole
Frontiers in Energy Research, vol. 6, 2018-08-17. | Journal Article
Bubbling fluidized bed gasification of short rotation Eucalyptus: Effect of harvesting age and bark
Cross, PhillipCross, PhillipKulkarni, AvantiKulkarni, AvantiNam, HyungseokNam, HyungseokAdhikari, SushilAdhikari, SushilFasina, Oladiran and Fasina, Oladiran
Biomass and Bioenergy, vol. 110, pp. 104, March 2018. | Journal Article
Catalytic upgrading of bio-oil produced from hydrothermal liquefaction of Nannochloropsis sp
Shakya, RajdeepAdhikari, SushilMahadevan, RavishankarHassan, El Barbary and Dempster, Thomas A
Bioresource Technology, vol. 252, pp. 36, March 2018. | Journal Article
Chemical looping dry reforming of benzene as a gasification tar model compound with Ni- and Fe-based oxygen carriers in a fluidized bed reactor
Nam, HyungseokWang, ZhouhongShanmugam, Saravanan RAdhikari, Sushil and Abdoulmoumine, Nourredine
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol. 43, (no. 41), pp. 18800, 2018-10-00. | Journal Article
Co-pyrolysis of lignin and plastics using red clay as catalyst in a micro-pyrolyzer
Patil, VivekAdhikari, Sushil and Cross, Phillip
Bioresource Technology, vol. 270, pp. 319, December 2018. | Journal Article
Decentralized biorefinery for lignocellulosic biomass: Integrating anaerobic digestion with thermochemical conversion
Sawatdeenarunat, ChayanonNam, HyungseokAdhikari, SushilSung, Shihwu and Khanal, Samir Kumar
Bioresource Technology, vol. 250, pp. 147, February 2018. | Journal Article
Detoxification of Organosolv-Pretreated Pine Prehydrolysates with Anion Resin and Cysteine for Butanol Fermentation
Li, JingLi, JingShi, SuanShi, SuanTu, MaobingTu, MaobingVia, BrainVia, BrainSun, FubaoSun, FubaoAdhikari, Sushil and Adhikari, Sushil
Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, vol. 186, (no. 3), pp. 680, 20181100. | Journal Article
Effect of Autohydrolysis Pretreatment Conditions on Sugarcane Bagasse Structures and Product Distribution Resulting from Pyrolysis
Hao, NaijiaHao, NaijiaLu, KongyuLu, KongyuBen, HaoxiBen, HaoxiAdhikari, SushilAdhikari, SushilLacerda, Tais BezerraLacerda, Tais BezerraRagauskas, Arthur J and Ragauskas, Arthur J.
Energy Technology, vol. 6, (no. 4), pp. 648, April 2018. | Journal Article
Effect of bio-char on methane generation from glucose and aqueous phase of algae liquefaction using mixed anaerobic cultures
Shanmugam, Saravanan RAdhikari, SushilNam, Hyungseok and Kar Sajib, Sourov
Biomass and Bioenergy, vol. 108, pp. 486, January 2018. | Journal Article
Experimental investigation of hardwood air gasification in a pilot scale bubbling fluidized bed reactor and CFD simulation of jet/grid and pressure conditions
Nam, HyungseokRodriguez-Alejandro, David AaronAdhikari, SushilBrodbeck, ChristianTaylor, Steven and Johnson, James
Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 168, (no. C), pp. 610, 2018-07-15. | Journal Article
Fast pyrolysis bio‐oil as precursor of thermosetting epoxy resins
Sibaja, BernalSibaja, BernalSibaja, BernalAdhikari, SushilAdhikari, SushilAdhikari, SushilCelikbag, YusufCelikbag, YusufCelikbag, YusufVia, BrianVia, BrianVia, BrianAuad, Maria LAuad, Maria L and Auad, Maria L
Polymer Engineering & Science, vol. 58, (no. 8), pp. 1307, August 2018. | Journal Article
Front Cover: Effect of Autohydrolysis Pretreatment Conditions on Sugarcane Bagasse Structures and Product Distribution Resulting from Pyrolysis (Energy Technol. 4/2018)
Hao, NaijiaHao, NaijiaLu, KongyuLu, KongyuBen, HaoxiBen, HaoxiAdhikari, SushilAdhikari, SushilLacerda, Tais BezerraLacerda, Tais BezerraRagauskas, Arthur J and Ragauskas, Arthur J.
Energy Technology, vol. 6, (no. 4), pp. 595, April 2018. | Journal Article
Hot water extraction as a pretreatment for reducing syngas inorganics impurities – A parametric investigation on switchgrass and loblolly pine bark
Liu, QiaomingLiu, QiaomingLabbé, NicoleLabbé, NicoleAdhikari, SushilAdhikari, SushilChmely, Stephen CChmely, Stephen CAbdoulmoumine, Nourredine and Abdoulmoumine, Nourredine
Fuel, vol. 220, pp. 184, 2018-05-15. | Journal Article