167 Publications (Page 2 of 7)
Thermo-catalytic co-pyrolysis of biomass and high-density polyethylene for improving the yield and quality of pyrolysis liquidRahman, Md H⋅Bhoi, Prakashbhai R⋅Saha, Arpita⋅Patil, Vivek and Adhikari, SushilEnergy, vol. 225, Jun 15, 2021.
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Effect of Pyrolysis Method on Physical Properties of Activated Biochar and its Application as Cathode Material for Lithium-Sulfur BatterySajib, Sourov K and Adhikari, SushilTransactions of the ASABE, vol. 63, (no. 2), 2020.
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Enriched hydrogen production over air and air-steam fluidized bed gasification in a bubbling fluidized bed reactor with CaO: Effects of biomass and bed material catalystNam, Hyungseok⋅Wang, Shuang⋅Sanjeev, KC⋅Seo, Myung W⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Shakya, Rajdeep⋅Lee, Doyeon and Shanmugam, Saravanan REnergy Conversion and Management, vol. 225, Dec 1, 2020.
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Hydrogen production via thermocatalytic decomposition of methane using carbon-based catalysts.Harun, Khalida⋅Adhikari, Sushil and Jahromi, HosseinRSC advances, vol. 10, (no. 67), pp. 40882-40893, November 9, 2020.
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Hydrogen production via thermocatalytic decomposition of methane using carbon-based catalysts. RSC Advances
Production of Novolac Resin after Partial Substitution of Phenol from Bio-OilAdhikari, Sushil⋅Auad, Maria⋅Via, Brian⋅Shah, Ajay and Patil, VivekTransactions of the ASABE, vol. 63, (no. 4), 2020.
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Adsorption and Desorption Behavior of Herbicide Using Bio-Based MaterialsShanmugam, Saravanan Ramiah⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Nam, Hyungseok and Patil, VivekTransactions of the ASABE, vol. 62, (no. 6), pp. 1445, 2019-00-00.
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Characterization of bio-carbon and ligno-cellulosic fiber reinforced bio-composites with compatibilizerBajwa, Dilpreet⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Shojaeiarani, Jamileh⋅Bajwa, Sreekala⋅Pandey, Pankaj and Shanmugam, SaravananConstruction and Building Materials, vol. 204, pp. 193, 20190420.
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Direct biodiesel production from wet microalgae assisted by radio frequency heatingMa, Y.⋅Ma, Yichao⋅Ma, Yichao⋅Ma, Yichao⋅Liu, Shaoyang⋅Liu, Shaoyang⋅Liu, S.⋅Liu, Shaoyang⋅Wang, Y.⋅Wang, Yi⋅Wang, Yi⋅Wang, Yi⋅Wang, Yifen⋅Adhikari, S.⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Dempster, Thomas A⋅Dempster, Thomas A⋅Dempster, Thomas A⋅Dempster, T.A.⋅Wang, Yifen⋅Wang, Y. and Wang, YifenFuel, vol. 256, pp. 115994, 2019-11-15.
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Effect of Calcium Formate on Hydrodeoxygenation of Biomass Model CompoundsNeeli, Sai Teja⋅Shakya, Rajdeep⋅Adhikari, Sushil and Ramsurn, HemaEnergy & Fuels, vol. 33, (no. 2), pp. 1324, 2019-02-21.
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Leaching and anaerobic digestion of poultry litter for biogas production and nutrient transformationChaump, Kristin⋅Chaump, Kristin⋅Chaump, Kristin⋅Preisser, Matthew⋅Preisser, Matthew⋅Preisser, Matthew⋅Shanmugam, Saravanan R⋅Shanmugam, Saravanan R⋅Shanmugam, Saravanan R⋅Prasad, Rishi⋅Prasad, Rishi⋅Prasad, Rishi⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Higgins, Brendan T⋅Higgins, Brendan T and Higgins, Brendan TWaste Management, vol. 84, pp. 422, 2019-02-01.
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Aspen plus simulation to predict steady state performance of biomass-CO 2 gasification in a fluidized bed gasifierSadhwani, Narendra⋅Sadhwani, Narendra⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Eden, Mario R⋅Eden, Mario R⋅Li, Pengcheng and Li, PengchengBiofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, vol. 12, (no. 3), pp. 389, 2018-05-00.
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Blended Feedstocks for Thermochemical Conversion: Biomass Characterization and Bio-Oil Production From Switchgrass-Pine Residues BlendsEdmunds, Charles⋅Edmunds, Charles⋅Edmunds, Charles W.⋅Molina, Eliezer A. Reyes⋅Molina, Eliezer⋅Molina, Eliezer⋅Andre, Nicolas⋅André, Nicolas⋅Andre, Nicolas⋅Hamilton, Choo⋅Hamilton, Choo⋅Hamilton, Choo⋅Park, Sunkyu⋅Park, Sunkyu⋅Park, Sunkyu⋅Fasina, Oladiran⋅Fasina, Oladiran⋅Fasina, Oladiran⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Kelley, Stephen S.⋅Kelley, Stephen⋅Kelley, Stephen⋅Tumuluru, Jaya⋅Tumuluru, Jaya S.⋅Tumuluru, Jaya⋅Rials, Timothy G.⋅Rials, Timothy⋅Rials, Timothy⋅Labbé, Nicole⋅Labbe, Nicole and Labbe, NicoleFrontiers in Energy Research, vol. 6, 2018-08-17.
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Bubbling fluidized bed gasification of short rotation Eucalyptus: Effect of harvesting age and barkCross, Phillip⋅Cross, Phillip⋅Kulkarni, Avanti⋅Kulkarni, Avanti⋅Nam, Hyungseok⋅Nam, Hyungseok⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Fasina, Oladiran and Fasina, OladiranBiomass and Bioenergy, vol. 110, pp. 104, March 2018.
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Catalytic upgrading of bio-oil produced from hydrothermal liquefaction of Nannochloropsis spShakya, Rajdeep⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Mahadevan, Ravishankar⋅Hassan, El Barbary and Dempster, Thomas ABioresource Technology, vol. 252, pp. 36, March 2018.
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Chemical looping dry reforming of benzene as a gasification tar model compound with Ni- and Fe-based oxygen carriers in a fluidized bed reactorNam, Hyungseok⋅Wang, Zhouhong⋅Shanmugam, Saravanan R⋅Adhikari, Sushil and Abdoulmoumine, NourredineInternational Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol. 43, (no. 41), pp. 18800, 2018-10-00.
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Co-pyrolysis of lignin and plastics using red clay as catalyst in a micro-pyrolyzerPatil, Vivek⋅Adhikari, Sushil and Cross, PhillipBioresource Technology, vol. 270, pp. 319, December 2018.
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Decentralized biorefinery for lignocellulosic biomass: Integrating anaerobic digestion with thermochemical conversionSawatdeenarunat, Chayanon⋅Nam, Hyungseok⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Sung, Shihwu and Khanal, Samir KumarBioresource Technology, vol. 250, pp. 147, February 2018.
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Detoxification of Organosolv-Pretreated Pine Prehydrolysates with Anion Resin and Cysteine for Butanol FermentationLi, Jing⋅Li, Jing⋅Shi, Suan⋅Shi, Suan⋅Tu, Maobing⋅Tu, Maobing⋅Via, Brain⋅Via, Brain⋅Sun, Fubao⋅Sun, Fubao⋅Adhikari, Sushil and Adhikari, SushilApplied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, vol. 186, (no. 3), pp. 680, 20181100.
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Effect of Autohydrolysis Pretreatment Conditions on Sugarcane Bagasse Structures and Product Distribution Resulting from PyrolysisHao, Naijia⋅Hao, Naijia⋅Lu, Kongyu⋅Lu, Kongyu⋅Ben, Haoxi⋅Ben, Haoxi⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Lacerda, Tais Bezerra⋅Lacerda, Tais Bezerra⋅Ragauskas, Arthur J and Ragauskas, Arthur J.Energy Technology, vol. 6, (no. 4), pp. 648, April 2018.
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Effect of bio-char on methane generation from glucose and aqueous phase of algae liquefaction using mixed anaerobic culturesShanmugam, Saravanan R⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Nam, Hyungseok and Kar Sajib, SourovBiomass and Bioenergy, vol. 108, pp. 486, January 2018.
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Experimental investigation of hardwood air gasification in a pilot scale bubbling fluidized bed reactor and CFD simulation of jet/grid and pressure conditionsNam, Hyungseok⋅Rodriguez-Alejandro, David Aaron⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Brodbeck, Christian⋅Taylor, Steven and Johnson, JamesEnergy Conversion and Management, vol. 168, (no. C), pp. 610, 2018-07-15.
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Fast pyrolysis bio‐oil as precursor of thermosetting epoxy resinsSibaja, Bernal⋅Sibaja, Bernal⋅Sibaja, Bernal⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Celikbag, Yusuf⋅Celikbag, Yusuf⋅Celikbag, Yusuf⋅Via, Brian⋅Via, Brian⋅Via, Brian⋅Auad, Maria L⋅Auad, Maria L and Auad, Maria LPolymer Engineering & Science, vol. 58, (no. 8), pp. 1307, August 2018.
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Front Cover: Effect of Autohydrolysis Pretreatment Conditions on Sugarcane Bagasse Structures and Product Distribution Resulting from Pyrolysis (Energy Technol. 4/2018)Hao, Naijia⋅Hao, Naijia⋅Lu, Kongyu⋅Lu, Kongyu⋅Ben, Haoxi⋅Ben, Haoxi⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Lacerda, Tais Bezerra⋅Lacerda, Tais Bezerra⋅Ragauskas, Arthur J and Ragauskas, Arthur J.Energy Technology, vol. 6, (no. 4), pp. 595, April 2018.
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Hot water extraction as a pretreatment for reducing syngas inorganics impurities – A parametric investigation on switchgrass and loblolly pine barkLiu, Qiaoming⋅Liu, Qiaoming⋅Labbé, Nicole⋅Labbé, Nicole⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Chmely, Stephen C⋅Chmely, Stephen C⋅Abdoulmoumine, Nourredine and Abdoulmoumine, NourredineFuel, vol. 220, pp. 184, 2018-05-15.
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