191 Publications (Page 6 of 8)
Simulating performance robustness and resilience in healthcare provider organizationsBarjis, J.⋅Spahn, R. and Yilmaz, L.(pp. 21-28)
The effect of different solvents on the performance of zeolite-filled composite pervaporation membranesŞener, Tansel⋅Okumuş, Emin⋅Gürkan, Türker and Yilmaz, LeventDesalination, vol. 261, (no. 1), pp. 185, 2010.
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Toward Systems Engineering for Agent-Directed SimulationYilmaz, L.(pp. 219-235)
An Agent Simulation Study on Conflict, Community Climate and Innovation in Open Source CommunitiesYilmaz, LeventInternational Journal of Open Source Software and Processes, vol. 1, (no. 4), pp. 1-25, 2009.
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Collaborative technologyYilmaz, LeventE-collaboration, pp. 1698, 2009.
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Letter from the EditorYilmaz, LeventSIMULATION, vol. 85, (no. 1), pp. 4, 2009-01-00.
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Multi-understanding: A basis for switchable understanding for agentsÖren, T.I.⋅Yilmaz, L.⋅Kazemifard, M. and Ghasem-Aghaee, N.(pp. 395-402)
On the synergy of conflict and collective creativity in open innovation socio-technical ecologiesYilmaz, L.(pp. 502-508)
Rethinking M&S to enhance creativity and computational discoveryYilmaz, L. and Oren, T.(pp. 66-74)
Simulating the impact of community culture and governance in virtual innovation communitiesYilmaz, L.
ADSS’08 prefaceÖren, T.⋅Yilmaz, L.⋅Sierhuis, M.⋅Madey, G.R. and Tolk, A.(pp. 3)
Agent simulation of collaborative knowledge processing in WikipediaXu, J.⋅Yilmaz, L. and Zhang, J.(pp. 19-25)
Artificial intelligence and simulationYilmaz, Levent⋅Oren, Tuncer and Thavikulwat, PrechaSimulation & Gaming, vol. 39, (no. 1), pp. 9, 20080300.
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A unifying multimodel taxonomy and agent-supported multisimulation strategy for decision-supportYilmaz, L. and Tolk, A.(pp. 193-226)
Autonomic introspective simulation systems: Concepts and applicationsYilmaz, L.(pp. 1-8)
Collaborative technology: Improving team cooperation and awareness in distance learning for IT educationYilmaz, L.(pp. 157-169)
Guest EditorialEdwards, Stephen and Yilmaz, LeventInternational Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 24, (no. 4), pp. 647, July 2008.
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Innovation systems are self-organizing complex adaptive systemsYilmaz, L.(pp. 142-148)
International Journal of Engineering Education: Guest editorialEdwards, S.H.⋅Del Carmen-Ramirez, D.⋅Yilmaz, L.⋅Leon Rovira, N. and De Graaff, E.International Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 24, pp. 646-647.
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Panel discussion: What makes good research in modeling and simulation: Sustaining the growth and vitality of the m&s disciplineYilmaz, L.⋅Davis, P.⋅Fishwick, P.A.⋅Xiaolin, Hu.⋅Miller, J.A.⋅Hybinette, M.⋅Ören, T.I.⋅Reynolds, P.⋅Sarjoughian, H. and Tolk, A.(pp. 677-688)
Prelude to the panel on what makes good research in Modeling and SimulationYilmaz, L. and Smith, J.(pp. 671-676)
Reasoning about conceptual interoperability of simulations using meta-level graph relationsYilmaz, LeventIntelligent Decision Technologies, vol. 2, (no. 1), pp. 51, 2008-01-29.
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Symbiotic adaptive multisimulation: An autonomic simulation framework for real-time decision support under uncertaintyMitchell, Bradley and Yilmaz, LeventACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation, vol. 19, (no. 1), 2008.
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Ads’07 PrefaceÖren, T.⋅Madey, G.R.⋅Sierhuis, M. and Yilmaz, L.(pp. 3)
Agent-directed simulation systems engineeringYilmaz, L. and Ören, T.I.(pp. 897-904)