191 Publications (Page 4 of 8)
Artificial intelligence in modeling and simulationZeigler, B.⋅Muzy, A. and Yilmaz, L.(pp. 204-227)
Epistemology of modeling and simulationTolk, A.⋅Ihrig, M.⋅Page, E.H.⋅Szabo, C.⋅Heath, B.L.⋅Padilla, J.J.⋅Dante Suarez, E.⋅Weirich, P. and Yilmaz, L.(pp. 1152-1166)
Grand challenges on the theory of modeling and simulationTaylor, S.J.E.⋅Khan, A.⋅Morse, K.L.⋅Tolk, A.⋅Yilmaz, L. and Zander, J.(pp. 242-249)
Imino-bis-propane diol functional polymer for efficient boron removal from aqueous solutions via continuous PEUF processZerze, Hasan⋅Karagoz, Bunyamin⋅Ozbelge, H.Onder⋅Bicak, Niyazi⋅Aydogan, Nihal and Yilmaz, LeventDesalination, vol. 310, pp. 168, 2013-02-01.
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Machine understanding and avoidance of misunderstanding in agent-directed simulation and in emotional intelligenceÖren, T.⋅Kazemifard, M. and Yilmaz, L.(pp. 318-327)
Philosophical Aspects of Modeling and SimulationÖren, T. and Yilmaz, L.(pp. 157-172)
Success within Virtual Scientific Community Data Systems: The Roles of Structure and DemographyStevens, Gregory W⋅Edwards, Bryan D and Yilmaz, LeventAcademy of Management Proceedings, vol. 2013, (no. 1), pp. 16568, 2013-01-00.
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Toward an agent-based ecological model of the triple-helix theory of innovation dynamicsMorris-King, J.R. and Yilmaz, L.(pp. 80-87)
Toward Replicability-Aware Modeling and Simulation: Changing the Conduct of M&S in the Information AgeYilmaz, L. and Ören, T.(pp. 207-226)
60th anniversary special issueYilmaz, L.SIMULATION, vol. 88, pp. 1023-1024.
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A complex adaptive model of information foraging and preferential attachment dynamics in global participatory scienceOzmen, O.⋅Yilmaz, L. and Smith, J.(pp. 65-72)
Agent Directed Simulation for Combat Modeling and Distributed SimulationBharathy, G.K.⋅Yilmaz, L. and Tolk, A.(pp. 669-713)
Agent-monitored anticipatory multisimulation: A systems engineering approach for threat-management trainingÖren, T.I. and Yilmaz, L.(pp. 277-282)
An agent-based information foraging model of scientific knowledge creation and spillover in open science communitiesÖzmen, Ö. and Yilmaz, L.(pp. 24-30)
An agent simulation study of a unified mechanism on individual foraging behaviour with individual scalar expectanciesMagnotti, J.F. and Yilmaz, L.Journal of Simulation, vol. 6, pp. 33-42.
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An Information Foraging Model of Knowledge Creation and Spillover Dynamics in Open Source ScienceYilmaz, Levent and Oezmen, OezguerInternational Journal of Agent Technologies and Systems, vol. 4, (no. 3), pp. 50-72, 2012.
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Development of alumina supported ternary mixed matrix membranes for separation of H.sub.2/light-alkane mixturesTopuz, Berna⋅Yilmaz, Levent and Kalipcilar, HalilJournal of Membrane Science, vol. 415-416, pp. 725, 20121001.
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Exploring the impact of social communication on the innovation potential of epistemic communitiesZou, G. and Yilmaz, L.(pp. 315-320)
Guest Editorial Introduction to the special issue on agent-directed simulationZhang, Yu⋅Yilmaz, Levent⋅Ören, Tuncer⋅Madey, Greg and Sierhuis, MaartenComputational and Mathematical Organization Theory, vol. 18, (no. 4), pp. 375-379, Dec 2012.
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InnoScape: A creative artificial ecosystem model of innovation and boundary processes in epistemic communitiesZou, G. and Yilmaz, L.International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling, vol. 7, pp. 275-289.
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Reflections on the 60th year anniversary of SCSYilmaz, Levent⋅López-Paredes, A.⋅Edmonds, B.⋅Klugl, F. and Yilmaz, L.SIMULATION, vol. 88, (no. 1), pp. 3, 20120100.
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Reproducibility in M&S research: issues, strategies and implications for model development environmentsYilmaz, LeventJournal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, vol. 24, (no. 4), pp. 457, 20121201.
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Scholarly communication of reproducible modeling and simulation research using e-portfoliosYilmaz, L.(pp. 15-22)
Synergies of simulation, agents, and systems engineeringOeren, Tuncer and Yilmaz, LeventExpert Systems with Applications, vol. 39, (no. 1), pp. 81-88, 2012.
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ACART: An API compliance and analysis report tool for discovering reference design traceabilityYilmaz, L. and Kent, D.(pp. 243-248)