62 Publications (Page 1 of 3)
A Low-Impact Development-Based Modeling Framework for Flood Mitigation in a Coastal CommunityBaltaci, Enis and Kalin, LatifWater, vol. 16, (no. 19), 2024.
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Land use and runoff effects on tidal creek ecosystem metabolismBickley, Sam⋅Bickley, Sam⋅Isik, Sabahattin⋅Isik, Sabahattin⋅Anderson, Christopher J⋅Anderson, Christopher J⋅Kalin, Latif and Kalin, LatifMarine Ecology Progress Series, vol. 749, 2024.
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A hybrid framework for forecasting monthly reservoir inflow based on machine learning techniques with dynamic climate forecasts, satellite-based data, and climate phenomenon informationTian, Di⋅Tian, Di⋅He, Xiaogang⋅He, Xiaogang⋅Srivastava, Puneet⋅Srivastava, Puneet⋅Kalin, Latif and Kalin, LatifStochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, vol. 36, (no. 8), pp. 2353-2375, Aug 2022.
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Improved forest dynamics leads to better hydrological predictions in watershed modeling.Haas, Henrique⋅Kalin, Latif and Srivastava, PuneetThe Science of the total environment, pp. 153180, January 17, 2022.
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A secondary assessment of sediment trapping effectiveness by vegetated buffersRamesh, Rasika⋅Kalin, Latif⋅Hantush, Mohamed and Chaudhary, AbhishekEcological Engineering, vol. 159, Jan 15, 2021.
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A two-layer numerical model of soil moisture dynamics: Model development.He, Junhao⋅Hantush, Mohamed M⋅Kalin, Latif⋅Rezaeianzadeh, Mehdi and Isik, SabahattinJournal of hydrology, vol. 602, pp. 1-12, November 2021.
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Improving the representation of forests in hydrological models.Haas, Henrique⋅Reaver, Nathan G F⋅Karki, Ritesh⋅Kalin, Latif⋅Srivastava, Puneet⋅Kaplan, David A and Gonzalez-Benecke, CarlosThe Science of the total environment, pp. 151425, November 5, 2021.
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Soft Data in Hydrologic Modeling: Prediction of Ecologically Relevant Flows with Alternate Land Use/Land Cover DataHaas, Henrique⋅Dosdogru, Furkan⋅Kalin, Latif⋅Kalin, Latif and Water, vol. 13, (no. 21), 2021.
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Characterizing nitrogen attenuation by headwater slope wetlands across different land usesRamesh, Rasika⋅Ramesh, Rasika⋅Anderson, Christopher J⋅Anderson, Christopher J⋅Kalin, Latif and Kalin, LatifEcological Engineering, vol. 149, Apr 15, 2020.
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Changes in stream morphology protected by best management practices under effects of upstream disturbancesCavus, Ilkim⋅Kalin, Latif and Kara, FerhatEnvironmental Earth Sciences, vol. 78, (no. 16), pp. 13, 20190800.
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IPEAT+: A Built-In Optimization and Automatic Calibration Tool of SWAT⋅Yen, Haw⋅Yen, H.⋅Yen, Haw⋅Park, Seonggyu⋅Park, Seonggyu⋅Park, Seonggyu⋅Park, S.⋅Arnold, Jeffrey G.⋅Arnold, Jeffrey G⋅Arnold, J.G. ...more » ⋅Arnold, Jeffrey G⋅Srinivasan, R.⋅Srinivasan, Raghavan⋅Srinivasan, Raghavan⋅Raghavan, Srinivasan⋅Chawanda, Celray James⋅Chawanda, C.J.⋅Chawanda, Celray James⋅Celray, James C⋅Wang, Ruoyu⋅Wang, Ruoyu⋅Wang, R.⋅Wang, Ruoyu⋅Feng, Qingyu⋅Feng, Qingyu⋅Feng, Qingyu⋅Feng, Q.⋅Wu, J.⋅Wu, Jingwen⋅Wu, Jingwen⋅Wu, Jingwen⋅Miao, Chiyuan⋅Miao, C.⋅Miao, Chiyuan⋅Miao, Chiyuan⋅Bieger, Katrin⋅Bieger, Katrin⋅Bieger, Katrin⋅Bieger, K.⋅Daggupati, P.⋅Daggupati, Prasad⋅Daggupati, Prasad⋅Griensven, Ann⋅Griensven, A.⋅Griensven, Ann⋅Kalin, Latif⋅Kalin, L.⋅Kalin, Latif⋅Kalin, Latif⋅Lee, Sangchul⋅Lee, Sangchul⋅Lee, Sangchul⋅Lee, S.⋅Sheshukov, Aleksey Y⋅Sheshukov, Aleksey Y⋅Sheshukov, A.Y.⋅Sheshukov, Aleksey Y.⋅White, M.J.⋅White, Michael J.⋅White, Michael J⋅White, Michael J⋅Yuan, Yongping⋅Yuan, Yongping⋅Yuan, Y.⋅Yuan, Yongping⋅Yeo, In-Young⋅Yeo, In-Young⋅Yeo, In-Young⋅Yeo, I. Y.⋅Zhang, Minghua⋅Zhang, M.⋅Zhang, Minghua⋅Zhang, Minghua⋅Zhang, Xuesong⋅Zhang, X.⋅Zhang, Xuesong and Zhang, Xuesong « lessWater, 2019-08-14.
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Modeling effectiveness of broiler litter application method for reducing phosphorus and nitrogen lossesArora, Palki⋅Arora, Palki⋅Arora, Palki⋅Lamba, Jasmeet⋅Lamba, Jasmeet⋅Lamba, Jasmeet⋅Srivastava, Puneet⋅Srivastava, Puneet⋅Srivastava, Puneet⋅Kalin, Latif⋅Kalin, Latif and Kalin, LatifHydrology Research, vol. 50, (no. 4), pp. 1061, 2019-08-01.
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An Integrated Approach for Modeling Wetland Water Level: Application to a Headwater Wetland in Coastal Alabama, USARezaeianzadeh, Mehdi⋅Kalin, Latif and Hantush, MohamedWater, vol. 10, (no. 7), pp. 879, 2018-07-02.
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Evaluating the Slope‐Area Method to Accurately Identify Stream Channel Heads in Three Physiographic RegionsAvcioglu, Burak⋅Avcioglu, Burak⋅Anderson, Christopher J⋅Anderson, Christopher J⋅Kalin, Latif and Kalin, LatifJAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, vol. 53, (no. 3), pp. 575, June 2017.
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Special Issue on Advances in Wetland Hydrology and Water Quality Processes ModelingKalin, Latif and Hantush, Mohamed MJournal of Hydrologic Engineering, vol. 22, (no. 1), 2017-1-1.
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Using multiple watershed models to assess the water quality impacts of alternate land development scenarios for a small communitySharifi, Amirreza⋅Yen, Haw⋅Boomer, Kathleen M.B⋅Kalin, Latif⋅Li, Xuyong and Weller, Donald ECatena, vol. 150, pp. 99, March 2017.
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Climatic, ecological, and socioeconomic factors associated with West Nile virus incidence in Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.ALockaby, Graeme⋅Noori, Navideh⋅Morse, Wayde⋅Zipperer, Wayne⋅Kalin, Latif⋅Governo, Robin⋅Sawant, Rajesh and Ricker, MatthewJournal of Vector Ecology, vol. 41, (no. 2), pp. 243, December 2016.
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Coupling SWAT and ANN models for enhanced daily streamflow predictionNoori, Navideh and Kalin, LatifJournal of Hydrology, vol. 533, pp. 151, February 2016.
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Hydrologic simulation approach for El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO)-affected watershed with limited raingauge stationsSharma, Suresh⋅Sharma, Suresh⋅Sharma, Suresh⋅Srivastava, Puneet⋅Srivastava, Puneet⋅Srivastava, Puneet⋅Fang, Xing⋅Fang, Xing⋅Fang, Xing⋅Kalin, Latif⋅Kalin, Latif and Kalin, LatifHydrological Sciences Journal, vol. 61, (no. 6), pp. 1000, 4/25/2016.
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Identifying areas sensitive to land use/land cover change for downstream flooding in a coastal Alabama watershedNoori, Navideh⋅Noori, Navideh⋅Kalin, Latif⋅Kalin, Latif⋅Sen, Sumit⋅Sen, Sumit⋅Srivastava, Puneet⋅Srivastava, Puneet⋅Lebleu, Charlene and Lebleu, CharleneRegional Environmental Change, vol. 16, (no. 6), pp. 1833-1845, Aug 2016.
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Impacts of Climate Change and Urbanization on Groundwater Resources in a Barrier IslandChang, Sun Woo⋅Nemec, Katherine⋅Kalin, Latif and Clement, T. PrabhakarJournal of Environmental Engineering, vol. 142, (no. 12), 2016-12-1.
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Assessment of model predictions and parameter transferability by alternative land use data on watershed modelingYen, Haw⋅Sharifi, Amirreza⋅Kalin, Latif⋅Mirhosseini, Golbahar and Arnold, Jeffrey GJournal of Hydrology, vol. 527, pp. 470, August 2015.
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Empirical Estimation of Stream Discharge Using Channel Geometry in Low‐Gradient, Sand‐Bed Streams of the Southeastern PlainsSefick, Stephen A⋅Sefick, Stephen A⋅Sefick, Stephen A⋅Kalin, Latif⋅Kalin, Latif⋅Kalin, Latif⋅Kosnicki, Ely⋅Kosnicki, Ely⋅Kosnicki, Ely⋅Schneid, Brad P⋅Schneid, Brad P ...more » ⋅Schneid, Brad P⋅Jarrell, Miller S⋅Jarrell, Miller S⋅Jarrell, Miller S⋅Anderson, Chris J⋅Anderson, Chris J⋅Anderson, Chris J⋅Paller, Michael H⋅Paller, Michael H⋅Paller, Michael H⋅Feminella, Jack W⋅Feminella, Jack W and Feminella, Jack W « lessJAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, vol. 51, (no. 4), pp. 1071, August 2015.
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Larval development of Culex quinquefasciatus in water with low to moderate.Noori, Navideh⋅Lockaby, B Graeme and Kalin, LatifJournal of vector ecology : journal of the Society for Vector Ecology, vol. 40, (no. 2), pp. 208-220, December 2015.
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Larval development of Culex quinquefasciatus in water with low to moderate pollution levelsNoori, Navideh⋅Lockaby, B G and Kalin, LatifJournal of Vector Ecology, vol. 40, (no. 2), pp. 208-220, Dec 2015.
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