2 Grants
Bandgap Engineering and Scaling Approaches to SiGe HBT Optimization for Mobile and Optical Networking IC's
Cressler, John and Niu, Guofu
National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate for Engineering, Electrical, Communications and Cyber Systems (ID: 0112923), $210,000USD, 09/15/2001 -- 08/31/2005
Mixed Signal: Systematic Characterization and Profile Design of SiGe HBTs for Mixed Signal Wired and Wireless Telecommunications
Cressler, John and Niu, Guofu
National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate for Engineering, Electrical, Communications and Cyber Systems (ID: 0119623), $150,000USD, 09/15/2001 -- 08/31/2005