- Semiconductor devices
- SiGe HBT
- Compact modeling
- Microwave measurement techniques
- Radiation effects
- Mextram
His research and teaching activities include SiGe devices, RF CMOS, high-frequency on-chip characterization, noise, radiation effects, low temperature electronics, compact modeling and TCAD.
SiGe Research:
- SiGe HBT - A Primer
- A bite of history
- Commercial landscape
- SiGe advantages in a nut shell
- CMC Mextram Development
- Wide Temperature Range Compact Modeling (93-393K)
- Background
- Approach and Challenges
- Modeling Results
- Circuit Applications
- HBT Design Optimization with TCAD
- Noise
- Resistor Thermal Noise
- Transistor Noise
- Methodology
- RF and Microwave Measurements
- Radiation Effects.
Subject areas:
- Wireless devices, IC design and testing
- SiGe RF technology, RF devices and ICs, TCAD, noise, nuclear radiation effects.