95 Publications (Page 1 of 4)
Community violence concerns and adolescent sleep: Physiological regulation and race as moderatorsPhilbrook, Lauren E⋅Philbrook, Lauren E⋅Buckhalt, Joseph A⋅Buckhalt, Joseph A⋅El-Sheikh, Mona and El Sheikh, MonaJournal of sleep research, pp. e12897, 2019-Jul-30.
| Journal Article
Erratum to: What does a good night's sleep mean? Nonlinear relations between sleep and children's cognitive functioning and mental healthEl-Sheikh, Mona⋅El Sheikh, Mona⋅Philbrook, Lauren E⋅Philbrook, Lauren E⋅Kelly, Ryan J⋅Kelly, Ryan J⋅Hinnant, J Benjamin⋅Hinnant, J Benjamin⋅Buckhalt, Joseph A and Buckhalt, Joseph ASleep, 2019-10-08.
| Journal Article
Linear and Nonlinear Associations between Sleep and Adjustment in AdolescenceShimizu, Mina⋅Shimizu, M.⋅Shimizu, Mina⋅Gillis, Brian T⋅Gillis, B.T.⋅Gillis, Brian T⋅Buckhalt, Joseph A⋅Buckhalt, Joseph A⋅Buckhalt, J.A.⋅El-Sheikh, Mona⋅El-Sheikh, M. and El Sheikh, MonaBehavioral Sleep Medicine, pp. 15, 2019-09-19.
| Journal Article
Sleepiness as a pathway linking race and socioeconomic status with academic and cognitive outcomes in middle childhood.Philbrook, Lauren E⋅Philbrook, Lauren E⋅Shimizu, Mina⋅Shimizu, Mina⋅Buckhalt, Joseph A⋅Buckhalt, Joseph A⋅El-Sheikh, Mona and El Sheikh, MonaSleep health, vol. 4, (no. 5), pp. 405-412, October 2018.
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The link between maternal sleep and permissive parenting during late adolescenceTu, Kelly M⋅Tu, Kelly M⋅Tu, Kelly M⋅Elmore-Staton, Lori⋅Elmore‐Staton, Lori⋅Buckhalt, Joseph A⋅Buckhalt, Joseph A⋅Buckhalt, Joseph A⋅El Sheikh, Mona and El‐Sheikh, MonaJournal of Sleep Research, vol. 27, (no. 5), pp. n/a, October 2018.
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Sleep and cognitive functioning in childhood: Ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and sex as moderatorsPhilbrook, Lauren E⋅Philbrook, Lauren E⋅Philbrook, Lauren E⋅Hinnant, J. B⋅Hinnant, J Benjamin⋅Hinnant, J Benjamin⋅Elmore-Staton, Lori⋅Elmore-Staton, Lori⋅Elmore Staton, Lori⋅Buckhalt, Joseph A⋅Buckhalt, Joseph A⋅Buckhalt, Joseph A⋅El-Sheikh, Mona⋅El-Sheikh, Mona and El Sheikh, MonaDevelopmental psychology, vol. 53, (no. 7), pp. 1285, 2017-07-00.
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Perceived discrimination and youths' adjustment: sleep as a moderator.
Caldas, Mona⋅Tu, Kelly M⋅Saini, Ekjyot K⋅Fuller-Rowell, Thomas E and Buckhalt, Joseph A
Journal of sleep research, vol. 25, (no. 1), pp. 70-77, February 2016. | Journal Article
Associations between children's intelligence and academic achievement: the role of sleep.Erath, Stephen A⋅Tu, Kelly M⋅Buckhalt, Joseph A and El Sheikh, MonaJournal of sleep research, vol. 24, (no. 5), pp. 510-513, October 2015.
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Earlier school start times as a risk factor for poor school performance: An examination of public elementary schools in the commonwealth of Kentucky
Keller, Peggy⋅Smith, Olivia⋅Gilbert, Lauren⋅Buckhalt, Joseph⋅Bi, Shuang and Haak, Eric
Journal of Educational Psychology, vol. 107, (no. 1), pp. 245, 2015-00-00. | Journal Article
II. MOVING SLEEP AND CHILD DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH FORWARD: PRIORITIES AND RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE SRCD-SPONSORED FORUM ON SLEEP AND CHILD DEVELOPMENTEl-Sheikh, Mona⋅El Sheikh, Mona⋅Buckhalt, Joseph A and Buckhalt, Joseph AMonographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, vol. 80, (no. 1), pp. 32, 2015-03-00.
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Sleep and sleep disorders in children and adolescentsBuckhalt, Joseph⋅Buckhalt, Joseph⋅El-Sheikh, Mona⋅El Sheikh, Mona⋅Wolfson, Amy and Wolfson, AmyCommunique, vol. 44, (no. 2), pp. 26, 20151001.
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Family stress and adolescents' cognitive functioning: sleep as a protective factor.El Sheikh, Mona⋅Tu, Kelly M⋅Erath, Stephen A and Buckhalt, Joseph AJournal of family psychology : JFP : journal of the Division of Family Psychology of the American Psychological Association (Division 43), vol. 28, (no. 6), pp. 887-896, December 2014.
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Income, ethnicity, and sleep: Coping as a moderatorEl Sheikh, Mona⋅El-Sheikh, Mona⋅Kelly, Ryan J⋅Kelly, Ryan J⋅Sadeh, Avi⋅Sadeh, Avi⋅Buckhalt, Joseph A and Buckhalt, Joseph ACultural diversity & ethnic minority psychology, vol. 20, (no. 3), pp. 448, 2014-Jul.
| Journal Article
Research on Sleep of Children and Adolescents: Implications for East Asian Counselors
Buckhalt, Joseph A and Suh, Suhyun
Journal of Asia Pacific Counseling, vol. 4, (no. 1), pp. 47, 2014-06-30. | Journal Article
Sleep and cognitive performance: The role of income and respiratory sinus arrhythmia reactivityStaton, L.⋅Hinnant, J.B.⋅Buckhalt, J. and El Sheikh, M.Developmental Psychobiology, vol. 56, pp. 1528-1540.
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What keeps low-SES children from sleeping well: the role of presleep worries and sleep environmentBagley, Erika⋅Bagley, Erika⋅Kelly, Ryan⋅Kelly, Ryan⋅Buckhalt, Joseph⋅Buckhalt, Joseph⋅El-Sheikh, Mona and El Sheikh, MonaSleep Medicine, vol. 16, (no. 4), pp. 502, 2014.
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Economic adversity and children's sleep problems: Multiple indicators and moderation of effects.El Sheikh, Mona⋅Bagley, Erika J⋅Keiley, Margaret K⋅Elmore Staton, Lori⋅Chen, Edith and Buckhalt, Joseph AHealth Psychology, vol. 32, (no. 8), pp. 849-859, 2013.
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Marital Conflict, Allostatic Load, and the Development of Children's Fluid Cognitive PerformanceHinnant, James⋅El Sheikh, Mona⋅Keiley, Margaret K and Buckhalt, Joseph AChild Development, vol. 84, (no. 6), Nov/Dec 2013.
| Journal Article
Sleep and Cognitive Functioning in Children With Disabilities
Buckhalt, Joseph A
Exceptional Children, vol. 79, (no. 4), pp. 391-405, Summer 2013. | Journal Article
Interactions between salivary cortisol and alpha-amylase as predictors of children's cognitive functioning and academic performance.Keller, Peggy S⋅El Sheikh, Mona⋅Granger, Douglas A and Buckhalt, Joseph APhysiology & behavior, vol. 105, (no. 4), pp. 987-95, 2012/Feb/28.
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Sleep recommendations.Buckhalt, Joseph A(pp. 991; discussion 991). May 2012
The Relation between Five-Factor Personality Traits and Risk-Taking Behavior in Preadolescents
McGhee, Ronnie L⋅Ehrler, David J⋅Buckhalt, Joseph A and Phillips, Carol
Psychology, vol. 3, (no. 8), pp. 561, 2012-00-00. | Journal Article
Children's Sleep and Cognitive Performance: A Cross-Domain Analysis of Change Over TimeBub, Kristen L⋅Buckhalt, Joseph A and El Sheikh, MonaDevelopmental Psychology, vol. 47, (no. 6), Nov 2011.
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Children's Sleep, Sleepiness, and Performance on Cognitive Tasks.
Buckhalt, Joseph A
WMF press bulletins, vol. 2011, (no. 2), pp. 1-12, 2011. | Journal Article