108 Publications (Page 3 of 5)
Data and Personal Privacy. Intelletual Freedom Chronicle
Fred E. Witzig. Sanctifying Slavery & Politics in South Carolina: The Life of the Reverend Alexander Garden, 1685-1756. Columbia: University Of South Carolina Press, 2018 in The Southeastern Librarian, Vol. 66, No. 3 (Fall 2018): 11-12.
Moon Mullican: Country Piano from Western Swing to Rock n Roll. International Country Music Journal 2018
Moon Mullican: Country Piano from Western Swing to Rock n Roll. International Country Music Journal 2018. | Conference Proceeding
Net Neutrality and Government Documents. GODORT Connection
Net Neutrality Update. Intellectual Freedom Chronicle
Social Media and Privacy Concerns. Intellectual Freedom Chronicle
The Federal Election Commission: Beleaguered Defender of Election Integrity. GODORT Connection
United States Department of State: A Department Too Important to Fail. GODORT Connection
J. Brent Morris, ed. Yes, Lord, I Know the Road: A Documentary History of African Americans in South Carolina, `1526-2008 in The Southeastern Librarian, Vol. 65, No. 1 (Summer, 2017): 47-48. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press
Library of Congress National Jukebox. GODORT Connection
Michael B. Bonner and Fritz Hamer, editors. South Carolina in the Civil War and Reconstruction Eras: Essays from the Proceedings of the South Carolina Historical Society (Columbia: Univeresity of fSouth Carolina Press, 2016) in The Southeastern Librarian, Vol. 64, No. 4 (Winter 2017): 33-34. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press
Net Neutrality: Protecting Intellectual Freedom and More. Intellectual Freedom Chronicle
Sara R. Haviland. James and Esther Cooper Jackson: Love and Courage in the Black Freedom Movement. (Lexington, Ky.: University Press of Kentucky, 2015) in The Southeastern Librarian, Vol. 64, No. 1 (Spring 2016): 23-24.
Chanelle N. Rose. The Struggle for Black Freedom in Miami: Civil Rights and America s Tourist Paradise, 1896-1968 (Baton Rouge, La.: Louisiana State University Press, 2015), Southeastern Librarian, Vol. 63, No. 3 (Fall 2015): 21-22.2015
Bernard LaFayette, Jr. and Kathryn Lee Johnson. In Peace and Freedom: My Journey in Selma (Lexington, Ky.: University Press of Kentucky, 2013 in The Southeastern Librarian, Vol. 62, No. 1 (Spring 2014): 37-38.
The School of Arizona Dranes: Gospel Music Pioneer
The School of Arizona Dranes: Gospel Music Pioneer
Winifred B. Moore, Jr. and Orville Burton, editors. Toward the Meeting of the Waters: Currents in the Civil Rights Movement of South Carolina during the Twentieth Century. Columbia, S.C.: University of South Carolina, Press, 2008 in The Southeastern Librarian, Vol. 57, No. 1 (Spring 2009): 41-42.
Good Intentions, Disappointing Results: History of the Julia Tutwiler Prison for Women
Good Intentions, Disappointing Results: History of the Julia Tutwiler Prison for Women
The Alabama Review. | Journal Article
"The Alabama Library Association" in The Encyclopedia of Alabama
Handling Intellectual Freedom Challenges from a State Legislator
Tennessee Libraries. | Journal Article
Handling Intellectual Freedom Challenges from a State Legislator. Tennessee Libraries
Historical Statistics of the United States Millennial Edition in Documents to the People, Vol. 34, No. 3 (Fall 2006): 45-46. Government Documents Round Table (GODORT) of the American Library Association