46 Publications (Page 1 of 2)
Effects of chronic dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene exposure on testosterone secretion and steroidogenic pathway in the male gonad
Molina, Erica MKavazis, Andreas NMendonça, Mary T and Akingbemi, Benson T
Biology of Reproduction, vol. 109, (no. 1), pp. 65-72, Jul 2023. | Journal Article
Legacy and Emerging Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances Regulate Steroidogenesis in the Male Gonad
Daugherty, SamanthaHayworth, Joel and Akingbemi, Benson T
Endocrinology, vol. 164, (no. 12), Dec 2023. | Journal Article
Androgen and mineralocorticoid receptors are present on the germinal disc region in laying hens: Potential mediators of sex ratio adjustment in birds?
Wrobel, Elizabeth RMolina, EricaKhan, Nicola YAkingbemi, Benson TMendonca, Mary T and Navara, Kristen J
General and Comparative Endocrinology, pp. 113353, 2019-12-00. | Journal Article
Prenatal exposures to bisphenol A and di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate disrupted seminiferous tubular development in growing male rats
Abdel-Maksoud, Fatma MAli, Fatma Abo Zakaib and Akingbemi, Benson T
Reproductive Toxicology, vol. 88, pp. 90, September 2019. | Journal Article
Gestational exposure to tetrabutyltin blocks rat fetal Leydig cell development
Dong, YaoyaoZhao, YuZhu, QiqiZhu, LiheWang, ZheShan, YuanyuanAkingbemi, Benson TChen, Ruijie and Ge, Ren-Shan
Reproductive Toxicology, vol. 78, pp. 119, June 2018. | Journal Article
Butylated Hydroxyanisole Potently Inhibits Rat and Human 11 -Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 2
Li, LinxiWu, YingWu, XiaolongWang, HuangBai, YanfangWang, XiudiAkingbemi, Benson THuang, Ping and Ge, Ren-Shan
Pharmacology, vol. 97, (no. 1-2), pp. 17, 2016-01-12. | Journal Article
Prenatal Exposures of Male Rats to the Environmental Chemicals Bisphenol A and Di(2-Ethylhexyl) Phthalate Impact the Sexual Differentiation Process
Abdel-Maksoud, Fatma MLeasor, Khrystyna RButzen, KateBraden, Timothy D and Akingbemi, Benson T
Endocrinology, vol. 156, (no. 12), pp. 4683, 2015-12. | Journal Article
Aflatoxin B1 disrupts the androgen biosynthetic pathway in rat Leydig cells.
Adedara, Isaac ANanjappa, Manjunatha KFarombi, Ebenezer O and Akingbemi, Benson T
Food and chemical toxicology : an international journal published for the British Industrial Biological Research Association, vol. 65, pp. 252-259, March 2014. | Journal Article
Bisphenol A regulation of testicular endocrine function in male rats is affected by diet.
Nanjappa, Manjunatha KAhuja, ManujDhanasekaran, MuralikrishnanColeman, Elaine SBraden, Tim DBartol, Frank FBird, R CWanders, DesireeJudd, Robert L and Akingbemi, Benson T
Toxicology letters, vol. 225, (no. 3), pp. 479-87, 2014/Mar/21. | Journal Article
Effects of Estradiol and Methoxychlor on Leydig Cell Regeneration in the Adult Rat Testis
Chen, BingbingChen, DongxinJiang, ZheliLi, JingyangLiu, ShiwenDong, YaoyaoYao, WenwenAkingbemi, BensonGe, Renshan and Li, Xiaokun
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, vol. 15, (no. 5), pp. 7812-7826, 2014. | Journal Article
Effects of methoxychlor and its metabolite 2,2-bis(p-hydroxyphenyl)-1,1,1-trichloroethane on human and rat 17α-hydroxylase/17,20-lyase activity
Ye, LepingChen, XiaominChen, BingbingLi, HuiLi, XiaohengZhu, QiqiYu, LinGuo, JingjingAkingbemi, Benson T and Ge, Ren-Shan
Toxicology Letters, vol. 225, (no. 3), pp. 412, 2014-03-21. | Journal Article
Testicular development in male rats is sensitive to a soy-based diet in the neonatal period.
Napier, India DSimon, LizPerry, DevinCooke, Paul SStocco, Douglas MSepehr, EstatiraDoerge, Daniel RKemppainen, Barbara WMorrison, Edward E and Akingbemi, Benson T
Biology of reproduction, vol. 90, (no. 2), pp. 40, 2014/Feb. | Journal Article
Adiponectin receptors in energy homeostasis and obesity pathogenesis.
Akingbemi, Benson T
Progress in molecular biology and translational science, vol. 114, pp. 317-42, 2013. | Journal Article
Effects of phthalates on 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 3 activities in human and rat testes.
Yuan, KaimingZhao, BinghaiLi, Xing-WangHu, Guo-XinSu, YingChu, YanhuiAkingbemi, Benson TLian, Qing-Quan and Ge, Ren-Shan
Chemico-biological interactions, vol. 195, (no. 3), pp. 180-8, 2012/Feb/5. | Journal Article
Expression of melanocortin receptors in human prostate cancer cell lines: MC2R activation by ACTH increases prostate cancer cell proliferation.
Hafiz, SalyDennis, JohnSchwartz, D. DJudd, Robert LTao, Ya XiongKhazal, KamelAkingbemi, Benson TMo, Xiu-LeiAbdel-Mageed, Asim BMorrison, Edward and Mansour, Mahmoud
International journal of oncology, vol. 41, (no. 4), pp. 1373-80, 2012/Oct. | Journal Article
Regulation of adiponectin secretion by soy isoflavones has implication for endocrine function of the testis
Pfaehler, AndrewNanjappa, Manjunatha KColeman, Elaine SMansour, MahmoudWanders, DesireePlaisance, EricJudd, Robert L and Akingbemi, Benson T
Toxicology Letters, vol. 209, (no. 1), pp. 78-85, 2012. | Journal Article
Sex hormone regulation of collagen concentrations in cranial cruciate ligaments of sexually immature male rabbits.
Light, Victoria AMontgomery, Ron D and Akingbemi, Benson T
American journal of veterinary research, vol. 73, (no. 8), pp. 1186-93, 2012/Aug. | Journal Article
The industrial chemical bisphenol A (BPA) interferes with proliferative activity and development of steroidogenic capacity in rat Leydig cells.
Nanjappa, Manjunatha KSimon, Liz and Akingbemi, Benson T
Biology of reproduction, vol. 86, (no. 5), pp. 135, 1-12, 2012/May. | Journal Article
Developmental Exposures of Male Rats to Bisphenol A (BPA) Decrease Serum Adiponectin Levels and Expression of Adiponectin Receptors in Leydig Cells in Association with Inhibition of Androgen Biosynthesis
Nanjappa, Manjunatha K and Akingbemi, Benson T
Biology of Reproduction, vol. 85, (no. Suppl_1), pp. 306, 2011-07-01. | Journal Article
Effects of Lactational Exposure to Soy Isoflavones on Androgen Secretion by Leydig Cells
Napier, India Desiree and Akingbemi, Benson T
Biology of Reproduction, vol. 85, (no. Suppl_1), pp. 793, 2011-07-01. | Journal Article
Effects of methoxychlor and 2,2-bis(p-hydroxyphenyl)-1,1,1-trichloroethane on 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase-3 activities in human and rat testes.
Hu, G-XZhao, BChu, YLi, X-HAkingbemi, Benson TZheng, Z-Q and Ge, R S
International journal of andrology, vol. 34, (no. 2), pp. 138-44, 2011/Apr. | Journal Article
Thiazolidinediones/PPARγ agonists and fatty acid synthase inhibitors as an experimental combination therapy for prostate cancer.
MANSOUR, MahmoudMansour, MahmoudSCHWARTZ, DeanSchwartz, D. DABDEL-MAGEED, Asim BJudd, Robert LJUDD, RobertAkingbemi, Benson TBraden, Tim DAKINGBEMI, BensonBRADEN, TimMorrison, Edward EDennis, JohnMORRISON, EdwardBartol, Frank FDENNIS, JohnHazi, AmandaBARTOL, FrankNapier, IndiaHAZI, AmandaNAPIER, India and Abdel-Mageed, Asim B
International journal of oncology, vol. 38, (no. 2), pp. 537-46, 2011/Feb. | Journal Article
Developmental Exposures of Male Rats to Soy Isoflavones Impact Leydig Cell Differentiation
Sherrill, Jessica DSparks, MorganDennis, JohnMansour, MahmoudKemppainen, Barbara WBartol, Frank FMorrison, Edward E and Akingbemi, Benson T
Biology of Reproduction, vol. 83, (no. 3), pp. 488-501, 2010. | Journal Article
Effects of genistein and equol on human and rat testicular 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 3 activities.
Hu, Guo-XinZhao, Bing-HaiChu, Yan-HuiZhou, Hong-YuAkingbemi, Benson TZheng, Zhi-Qiang and Ge, Ren-Shan
Asian journal of andrology, vol. 12, (no. 4), pp. 519-26, 2010/Jul. | Journal Article
Flawed experimental design reveals the need for guidelines requiring appropriate positive controls in endocrine disruption research.
Vom Saal, Frederick SAkingbemi, Benson TBelcher, Scott MCrain, David ACrews, David PGuidice, Linda CHunt, Patricia ALeranth, CsabaMyers, John PNadal, AngelOlea, NicholasPadmanabhan, VasanthaRosenfeld, Cheryl SSchneyer, AlanSchoenfelder, GilbertSonnenschein, CarlosSoto, Ana MStahlhut, RichardSwan, ShannaVandenberg, LauraWang, Hong-ShengWatson, Cheryl SWelshons, Wade V and Zoeller, Robert T
Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology, vol. 115, (no. 2), pp. 612-3; author reply 614-20, 2010/Jun. | Journal Article