66 Publications (Page 3 of 3)
Animal origins and diversity: Apply What You’ve Learned. Principles of Life
Deuterostome Diversity: Apply What You’ve Learned
Principles of Life. | Journal Article
Deuterostome Diversity: Apply What You’ve Learned. Principles of Life
Introduction to population genetics: Active learning module
The science of biology. | Journal Article
Introduction to population genetics: Active learning module. The science of biology
Multifactorial Sex Determination in Chameleons
Ballen, Cissy JShine, RichardAndrews, Robin M and Olsson, Mats
Journal of Herpetology, vol. 50, (no. 4), pp. 551, 2016-12-00. | Journal Article
Protostome Diversity: Apply What You’ve Learned
Principles of Life. | Journal Article
Protostome Diversity: Apply What You’ve Learned. Principles of Life
Developmental plasticity in an unusual animal: the effects of incubation temperature on behavior in chameleons
Ballen, CissyShine, Richard and Olsson, Mats
Behaviour, vol. 152, (no. 10), pp. 1324, 20150101. | Journal Article
Oxidant trade-offs in immunity: an experimental test in a lizard.
Tobler, MichaelBallen, CissyHealey, MoWilson, Mark and Olsson, Mats
PloS one, vol. 10, (no. 5), pp. e0126155, 2015. | Journal Article
Effects of early social isolation on the behaviour and performance of juvenile lizards, Chamaeleo calyptratus
Ballen, CissyShine, Richard and Olsson, Mats
Animal Behaviour, vol. 88, pp. 1, 20140201. | Journal Article
Genetics and evolution of colour patterns in reptiles.
Olsson, MatsStuart Fox, Devi and Ballen, Cissy
Seminars in cell & developmental biology, vol. 24, (no. 6-7), pp. 529-41, 2013 Jun-Jul. | Journal Article
Net superoxide levels: steeper increase with activity in cooler female and hotter male lizards
Ballen, CBallen, CissyHealey, MHealey, MoWilson, MarkWilson, MTobler, MTobler, MichaelWapstra, ErikWapstra, EOlsson, M and Olsson, Mats
Journal of Experimental Biology, vol. 215, (no. 16), pp. 731, 2012. | Journal Article
Predictors of telomere content in dragon lizards.
Ballen, CBallen, CissyHealey, MHealey, MoWilson, MarkWilson, MTobler, MichaelTobler, MOlsson, M and Olsson, Mats
Die Naturwissenschaften, vol. 99, (no. 8), pp. 661-664, August 2012. | Journal Article
Instructor Gender and Student Confidence in the Sciences: A Need for More Role Models?
Cotner, Sehoya HBallen, CissyBrooks, D. C and Moore, Randy
Journal of College Science Teaching, vol. 40, (no. 5), pp. 96-101, May 2011. | Journal Article
Instructor gender and student confidence in the sciences: a need for more role models? Journal of College Science Teaching