112 Publications (Page 1 of 5)
Foreword to Special Issue: Papers from the 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, October 30–November 3, 2023. Physics of Plasmas
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Introducing dusty plasma particle growth of nanospherical titanium dioxide. Applied Physics Letters
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Nonlinear dynamics in dusty plasmas subjected to photo-discharging. Journal of Plasma Physics
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Producing two-dimensional dust clouds and clusters using a movable electrode for complex plasma and fundamental physics experiments. Review of Scientific Instruments
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Trapping and actively transporting single particles of arbitrary properties in low-pressure rf plasmas with and without a magnetic field. Physics of Plasmas
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Formation of turing patterns in strongly magnetized electric discharges. Communications Physics
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Payload concepts for investigations of electrostatic dust motion on the lunar surface. Acta Astronautica
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Physics and applications of dusty plasmas: The Perspectives 2023. Physics of Plasmas
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Experimental observations of multiple modes of filamentary structures in the magnetized dusty plasma experiment (MDPX) device
Williams, S.Thakur, S. ChakrabortyMenati, M. and Thomas, E.
Physics of Plasmas, vol. 29, pp. 012110. | Journal Article
The 2022 Plasma Roadmap: low temperature plasma science and technology
Adamovich, IAgarwal, SAhedo, EAlves, L LBaalrud, SBabaeva, NBogaerts, ABourdon, ABruggeman, P JCanal, CChoi, E HCoulombe, SDonkó, ZGraves, D BHamaguchi, SHegemann, DHori, MKim, H-HKroesen, G M WKushner, M JLaricchiuta, ALi, XMagin, T EThagard, S MededovicMiller, VMurphy, A BOehrlein, G SPuac, NSankaran, R MSamukawa, SShiratani, MŠimek, MTarasenko, NTerashima, KJr, E ThomasTrieschmann, JTsikata, STurner, M MWalt, I JSanden, M C M and Woedtke, T
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, vol. 55, pp. 373001. | Journal Article
Controlled photo-discharge of dust in a complex plasma
Journal of Plasma Physics. | Journal Article
Rotation of a strongly coupled dust cluster in plasma by the torque of an electron beam
Physical Review E. | Journal Article
Variation of filamentation phenomenon in strongly magnetized plasma with various discharge parameters
Menati, MohamadKonopka, Uwe and Thomas, Edward
Contributions to Plasma Physics, vol. 61. | Journal Article
Correlation and spectrum of dust acoustic waves in a radio-frequency plasma using PK-4 on the International Space Station
Goree, J.Liu, BinPustylnik, M. Y.Thomas, H. M.Fortov, V. E.Lipaev, A. M.Molotkov, V. I.Usachev, A. D.Petrov, O. F.Thoma, M. H.Thomas, E.Konopka, U. and Prokopiev, S.
Physics of Plasmas, vol. 27, pp. 123701. | Journal Article
Dynamics of dust particles confined in imposed potential structures in strongly magnetized, low-temperature plasmas.
Hall, Taylor and Thomas, Edward
Physical review. E, vol. 102, (no. 2-1), pp. 023208, August 2020. | Journal Article
Experimental observation and numerical investigation of filamentary structures in magnetized plasmas
Physics of Plasmas. | Journal Article
Final report: Collaborative Research: Advancing the Physics of Magnetized Dusty Plasmas
Thomas, EdwardKonopka, UweMerlino, Robert and Rosenberg, Marlene
Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI)
Microparticle cloud imaging and tracking for data-driven plasma science
Physics of Plasmas. | Journal Article
Test presentation of a high profile talk
Dust vortices in a direct current glow discharge plasma: a delicate balance between ion drag and Coulomb force
Journal of Plasma Physics. | Journal Article
Filamentation of capacitively coupled plasmas in large magnetic fields
Physics of Plasmas. | Journal Article
Influence of magnetic field strength on nanoparticle growth in a capacitively-coupled radio-frequency Ar/C2H2 discharge
Plasma Research Express. | Journal Article
Melting transition of two-dimensional complex plasma crystal in the DC glow discharge
Plasma Research Express. | Journal Article
Pattern formation in strongly magnetized plasmas: observations from the Magnetized Dusty Plasma Experiment (MDPX) device
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. | Journal Article
Methods for the characterization of imposed, ordered structures in MDPX
Hall, TaylorThomas, EdwardAvinash, KhareMerlino, Robert and Rosenberg, Marlene
Physics of Plasmas. | Journal Article