9 Publications
The impact of alternative nutrient kinetics and computational grid size on model predicted primary production and hypoxic area in the northern Gulf of Mexico
Pauer, James JPauer, James JMelendez, WilsonMelendez, WilsonFeist, Timothy JFeist, Timothy JLehrter, John CLehrter, John CRashleigh, BrendaRashleigh, BrendaLowe, Lisa LLowe, Lisa LGreene, Richard M and Greene, Richard M
Environmental Modelling & Software, vol. 126, Apr 2020. | Journal Article
Spatially variable bioturbation and physical mixing drive the sedimentary biogeochemical seascape in the Louisiana continental shelf hypoxic zone
Devereux, RichardLehrter, John CCicchetti, GiancarloBeddick, David LYates, Diane FJarvis, Brandon MAukamp, Jessica and Hoglund, Marilynn D
Biogeochemistry, vol. 143, (no. 2), pp. 151-169, Mar 2019. | Journal Article
Spring net community production and its coupling with the CO2 dynamics in the surface water of the northern Gulf of Mexico
Wei-Jun, CaiLehrter, JohnChen, BaoshanOuyang, ZhangxianLe, ChengfengRoberts, Brian JHussain, NajidScaboo, Michael KZhang, Junxiao and Xu, Yuanyuan
Biogeosciences, vol. 16, (no. 18), pp. 3507-3525, 2019. | Journal Article
Article has an altmetric score of 1
Parameter sensitivity and identifiability for a biogeochemical model of hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico.
Beck, Marcus WLehrter, John CLowe, Lisa L and Jarvis, Brandon M
Ecological modelling, vol. 363, pp. 17-30, November 10, 2017. | Journal Article
Article has an altmetric score of 1
Satellite observation of particulate organic carbon dynamics in two river-dominated estuaries.
Le, ChengfengLehrter, John CHu, ChuanminMacIntyre, Hugh and Beck, Marcus
Journal of geophysical research. Oceans, vol. 122, (no. 1), pp. 555-569, January 2017. | Journal Article
Article has an altmetric score of 1
Carbon Dynamics on the Louisiana Continental Shelf and Cross-Shelf Feeding of Hypoxia
Fry, BrianFry, BrianJustic, DubravkoJustic, DubravkoRiekenberg, PhilipRiekenberg, PhilipSwenson, ErickSwenson, Erick MTurner, R ETurner, RWang, Lixia ...more »
Estuaries and Coasts, vol. 38, (no. 3), pp. 703-721, May 2015. | Journal Article
Acidification of subsurface coastal waters enhanced by eutrophication
Cai, Wei-junCai, Wei-junCai, Wei-JunHu, XinpingHu, XinpingHu, XinpingHuang, Wei-jenHuang, Wei-JenHuang, Wei-jenMurrell, MichaelMurrell, Michael C ...more »
Nature Geoscience, vol. 4, (no. 11), pp. 766-770, Nov 2011. | Journal Article
Article has an altmetric score of 39
Effects of Hurricane Ivan on water quality in Pensacola Bay, Florida
Hagy, James DLehrter, John C and Murrell, Michael C
Estuaries and Coasts, vol. 29, (no. 6), pp. 919-925, Dec 2006. | Journal Article
Microzooplankton grazing and nitrogen excretion across a surface estuarine-coastal interface
Lehrter, John CPennock, Jonathan R and Mcmanus, George B
Estuaries, vol. 22, (no. 1), pp. 113-125, Mar 1999. | Journal Article