
Subject Area:

  • Bird Physiology

Research Interests:

  • Seasonal timing, biological rhythms, eco-physiology, neuroendocrinology, endocrinology, extra-retinal photoreception, and global change biology

Areas of interest:

  • Mechanisms of Seasonal Timing
  • Biological Rhythms
  • Neuroendocrinology
  • Stress Physiology
  • Organism Environment Interaction

My research group is broadly interested in understanding how organism detect, integrate and respond to environmental information. More specifically, we have been focusing on how animals use light and other environmental cues to time major seasonal transitions.

Current research is focused in three main areas:

  1. How do birds use light cues to time seasonal migration?
  2. How are light cues regulating breeding detected?
  3. How might exposure to light cues experienced in ovo shape development, hatch success and post-hatch welfare? What are the mechanism mediating these effects?

Keywords: Seasonality; Migration; Reproductive Physiology; Chronobiology


PhD, University of California, Davis, Animal Behavior, 2017
BA, Amherst College, Biology, 2007