
She has published over 25 articles on the intelligence of animals, including the differences between large and small dogs, environmental influences on intelligence and social behavior in apes, the communicative and cognitive behaviors of sea mammals such as dolphins, belugas, and walrus, and on neural and behavioral correlates in nonhuman primates.

Research Interests

  • Nonhuman cognition
  • Nonhuman communication
  • Neural and behavioral correlates in nonhuman primates
  • Intelligence in animals
Past Affiliations

Associate Professor, School of Psychology, College of Education and Human Sciences, University of Southern Mississippi (past)

Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, College of Education and Human Sciences, University of Southern Mississippi (past)

PhD, Georgia State University, Psychology, 2001
MA, Georgia State University, Psychology, 1998
BS, University of Pennsylvania, Engineering in Computer Science Engineering, 1992
BA, University of Pennsylvania, Linguistics, 1992