11 Publications
Adaptive response to cold temperatures in Vibrio vulnificus
Bryan, PJSteffan, RJDePaola, A.Foster, John W and Bej, Asim K
Current Microbiology, vol. 38, pp. 168-175, 1999. | Journal Article
Adaptive response to cold temperatures in Vibrio vulnificus.
Bryan, P JSteffan, R JDePaola, ADepaola, AngeloFoster, John W and Bej, Asim K
Current microbiology, vol. 38, (no. 3), pp. 168-75, 1999/Mar. | Journal Article
The rpoS-dependent starvation-stress response locus stiA encodes a nitrate reductase (narZYWV) required for carbon-starvation-inducible thermotolerance and acid tolerance in Salmonella typhimurium.
Spector, Michael PGarcia del Portillo, FBearson, S MMahmud, AMagut, MFinlay, B BDougan, GFoster, John W and Pallen, M J
Microbiology (Reading, England) , vol. 145 ( Pt 11), pp. 3035-45, 1999/Nov. | Journal Article
How Salmonella survive against the odds
Foster, John W and Spector, Michael P
Annual Review of Microbiology, vol. 49, pp. 145, 1995. | Journal Article
How Salmonella survive against the odds.
Foster, John W and Spector, Michael P
Annual review of microbiology, vol. 49, pp. 145-74, 1995. | Journal Article
Adaptive acid tolerance response (ATR) in Aeromonas hydrophila
Karem, KLFoster, John W and Bej, Asim K
Microbiology, vol. 140, (no. 7), pp. 1731-1736, 1994. | Journal Article
Adaptive acid tolerance response (ATR) in Aeromonas hydrophila.
Karem, K LFoster, John W and Bej, Asim K
Microbiology (Reading, England), vol. 140 ( Pt 7), pp. 1731-6, 1994/Jul. | Journal Article
A low-pH-inducible, stationary-phase acid tolerance response in Salmonella typhimurium.
Lee, I SI S LeeSlonczewski, J LJ L SlonczewskiFoster, John W and J W Foster
Journal of bacteriology, vol. 176, (no. 5), pp. 1422-6, 1994/Mar. | Journal Article
Regulatory circuits involved with pH-regulated gene expression in Salmonella typhimurium.
Foster, John WPark, Yong KeunBang, I SKarem, KBetts, HHall, H K and Shaw, Edward
Microbiology (Reading, England), vol. 140 ( Pt 2), pp. 341-52, 1994/Feb. | Journal Article
Regulation of NAD metabolism in Salmonella typhimurium: molecular sequence analysis of the bifunctional nadR regulator and the nadA-pnuC operon.
Foster, John WJ W FosterPark, Yong KeunY K ParkPenfound, TT PenfoundT FengerFenger, TSpector, Michael P and M P Spector
Journal of bacteriology, vol. 172, (no. 8), pp. 4187-96, 1990/Aug. | Journal Article
Identification and characterization of starvation-regulated genetic loci in Salmonella typhimurium by using mu d-directed lacZ operon fusions.
Spector, Michael PM P SpectorY K ParkPark, Yong KeunS TirgariTirgari, S.T GonzalezGonzalez, T.J W Foster and Foster, John W
Journal of Bacteriology, vol. 170, (no. 1), pp. 345-351, 1988. | Journal Article