An atomic absorption spectrometer is being used throughout the chemistry curriculum for the demonstration of fundamental aspects of atomic spectra as well as for elemental analyses. The spectrometer is being used in four existing courses: Instrumental Analysis, Analytical Chemistry, Biochemical Techniques, and Spectroscopy. In addition, it is being used in an Environmental Chemistry course which is under development as part of a new Environmental Studies Program. Finally, groups of high school students are bringing water samples to Shepherd College each year for analysis, and ongoing records of the results are being compiled by the high school students.
An atomic absorption spectrometer is being used throughout the chemistry curriculum for the demonstration of fundamental aspects of atomic spectra as well as for elemental analyses. The spectrometer is being used in four existing courses: Instrumental Analysis, Analytical Chemistry, Biochemical Techniques, and Spectroscopy. In addition, it is being used in an Environmental Chemistry course which is under development as part of a new Environmental Studies Program. Finally, groups of high school students are bringing water samples to Shepherd College each year for analysis, and ongoing records of the results are being compiled by the high school students.
Chemistry, Lab Improvement, Undergrad Instrumentation

Shepherd College

Chemistry, University of South Alabama

education natural and physical sciences, mathematics and technology chemical sciences chemistry scientific instrumentation