21 Publications
Examining the outcomes and acceptability of a peer-led spiritual intervention for moral injury in a veteran service organization
Currier, Joseph MCurrier, Joseph MMcDermott, Ryon CMcDermott, Ryon CFernandez, PaolaFernandez, PaolaSalcone, SarahSalcone, SarahHinkel, Hannah MHinkel, Hannah MSchuler, KaitlynSchuler, KaitlynFadoir, NicholasFadoir, NicholasSmith, Phillip N and Smith, Phillip N
Psychological Services, vol. 21, (no. 2), May 2024. | Journal Article
College Students’ Conformity to Masculine Role Norms and Help-Seeking Intentions for Suicidal Thoughts
McDermott, Ryon CMc Dermott, Ryon CSmith, Phillip NSmith, Phillip NBorgogna, NicholasBorgogna, NicholasBooth, NathanBooth, NathanGranato, StephaniGranato, StephaniSevig, Todd D and Sevig, Todd D
Psychology of Men & Masculinity, vol. 19, (no. 3), Jul 2018. | Journal Article
Veteran Participation in Intensive Suicide Research Protocols: No Evidence of Iatrogenic Effects.
Poindexter, Erin KNazem, SarraBarnes, Sean MHostetter, Trisha A and Smith, Phillip N
Suicide & life-threatening behavior, March 7, 2018. | Journal Article
A test of the interpersonal-psychological theory of suicide among arrested domestic violence offenders.
Wolford-Clevenger, CaitlinWolford Clevenger, C.Brem, M.J.Brem, Meagan JElmquist, JoAnnaElmquist, J.Florimbio, Autumn RaeFlorimbio, A.R.Smith, P.N.Smith, Phillip NStuart, G.L. and Stuart, Gregory L
Psychiatry research, vol. 249, pp. 195-199, January 12, 2017. | Journal Article
The Conditional Indirect Effects of Suicide Attempt History and Psychiatric Symptoms on the Association Between Intimate Partner Violence and Suicide Ideation.
Wolford-Clevenger, CaitlinWolford Clevenger, C.Smith, P.N. and Smith, Phillip N
Personality and individual differences, vol. 106, pp. 46-51, February 1, 2017. | Journal Article
A Case Controlled Examination of the Interpersonal Theory of Suicide in the Second Half of Life.
Van Orden, Kimberly ASmith, Phillip NChen, Tian and Conwell, Yeates
Archives of suicide research : official journal of the International Academy for Suicide Research, vol. 20, (no. 3), pp. 323-335, July 2, 2016. | Journal Article
The Association of Partner Abuse Types and Suicidal Ideation Among Men and Women College Students
Wolford-Clevenger, CaitlinWolford Clevenger, C.Vann, NoelleVann, N.C.Smith, P.N. and Smith, Phillip
Violence and Victims, vol. 31, (no. 3), pp. 471-485, 2016. | Journal Article
An exploratory analysis of the relations between the rate of physiological habituation, the acquired capability for suicide, and acute risk factors for suicide
Smith, Phillip NSmith, P.N.Wolford-Clevenger, CaitlinWolford Clevenger, C.Selwyn, C.N.Selwyn, Candice NPoindexter, E.Poindexter, ErinLechner, W.Lechner, WilliamGrant, DeMond MGrant, D.M.Cukrowicz, K.C. and Cukrowicz, Kelly C
Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research, vol. 7, (no. 3), 2015. | Journal Article
A theory-based approach to understanding suicide risk in shelter-seeking women.
Wolford-Clevenger, CaitlinWolford Clevenger, C.Smith, P.N. and Smith, Phillip N
Trauma, violence & abuse, vol. 16, (no. 2), pp. 169-178, April 2015. | Journal Article
The interpersonal theory of suicide applied to male prisoners.
Mandracchia, Jon T and Smith, Phillip N
Suicide & life-threatening behavior, vol. 45, (no. 3), pp. 293-301, June 2015. | Journal Article
An exploratory factor analysis of the Acquired Capability for Suicide Scale in male prison inmates.
Smith, P.N.Smith, Phillip NWolford-Clevenger, CaitlinWolford Clevenger, C.Mandracchia, J.T.Mandracchia, Jon TJahn, D.R. and Jahn, Danielle R
Psychological services, vol. 10, (no. 1), pp. 97-105, February 2013. | Journal Article
Attachment and alliance in the treatment of depressed, sexually abused women.
Smith, Phillip NGamble, Stephanie ACort, Natalie AWard, Erin AHe, Hua and Talbot, Nancy L
Depression and anxiety, vol. 29, (no. 2), pp. 123-30, 2012/Feb. | Journal Article
Predictors of treatment outcomes among depressed women with childhood sexual abuse histories.
Cort, Natalie AGamble, Stephanie ASmith, Phillip NChaudron, Linda HLu, NaijiHe, Hua and Talbot, Nancy L
Depression and anxiety, vol. 29, (no. 6), pp. 479-86, 2012/Jun. | Journal Article
Stoicism and Sensation Seeking: Male Vulnerabilities for the Acquired Capability for Suicide.
Witte, Tracy KGordon, Kathryn HSmith, Phillip N and Van Orden, Kimberly A
Journal of research in personality, vol. 46, (no. 4), pp. 384-392, August 1, 2012. | Journal Article
The relationships of attachment style and social maladjustment to death ideation in depressed women with a history of childhood sexual abuse
Smith, Phillip NGamble, Stephanie ACort, Natalie AWard, Erin AConwell, Yeates and Talbot, Nancy L
Journal of Clinical Psychology, vol. 68, (no. 1), Jan 2012. | Journal Article
Domain-specific social functioning improvements during treatment of depressed women with histories of childhood sexual abuse
Gamble, Stephanie ASmith, Phillip NPoleshuck, Ellen LHe, Hua and Talbot, Nancy L
Journal of Affective Disorders, vol. 130, (no. 3), pp. 478-482, 2011. | Journal Article
Suicide ideation among college students evidencing subclinical depression.
Cukrowicz, KellySchlegel, Erin FSmith, Phillip NJacobs, Matthew PVan Orden, Kimberly APaukert, Ambert LPettit, Jeremy W and Joiner, Thomas E
Journal of American college health : J of ACH, vol. 59, (no. 7), pp. 575-81, 2011. | Journal Article
The acquired capability for suicide: A comparison of suicide attempters, suicide ideators, and non-suicidal controls
Smith, Phillip NCukrowicz, KellyPoindexter, Erin KHobson, Valerie and Cohen, Lee M
Depression and Anxiety (Hoboken), vol. 27, (no. 9), pp. 871-877, 2010. | Journal Article
The effect of participating in suicide research: does participating in a research protocol on suicide and psychiatric symptoms increase suicide ideation and attempts?
Smith, PhillipCukrowicz, KellyPoindexter, ErinSmith, PhillipCukrowicz, Kelly and Poindexter, Erin
Suicide & life-threatening behavior, vol. 40, (no. 6), pp. 535-543, December 2010. | Journal Article
The moderation of an early intervention program for anxiety and depression by specific psychological symptoms.
Cukrowicz, KellySmith, Phillip NHohmeister, Holly C and Joiner, Thomas E
Journal of clinical psychology, vol. 65, (no. 4), pp. 337-51, 2009/Apr. | Journal Article
The survey of personal beliefs: comparison of south african, mexican and american samples
Steel, HenryMöller, André TCardenas, Georgina and Smith, Phillip N
Journal of Rational - Emotive & Cognitive - Behavior Therapy, vol. 24, (no. 2), pp. 125-142, Jun 2006. | Journal Article