
In this realm, I am especially interested in positive psychology and how it intersects with a variety of cultural and contextual factors (e.g., race, gender, psychological help seeking). I am also an avid applied user of statistics and seek to learn the most advanced approaches so that I have a variety of tools to answer difficult research questions.

My research interests revolve around the intersections of culture and individual differences to understand real-world problems. A central premise of my program of research is that the most accurate and complete picture of any real-world problem can only be obtained by analyzing the systemic (i.e., cultural or external) and individual-level (i.e., individual difference) variables.

Keywords: Counseling and Instructional Sciences

PhD, University of Houston, Counseling Psychology, 2012
MEd, University of Houston, Counseling, 2006
BA, University of Kansas, Psychology, 2004