- coastal circulation and across-shelf exchange processes, estuarine circulation and exchange processes, physical-biological coupling in the marine environment, and ocean observing systems.
I am interested in physical processes that influence three-dimensional transport in the coastal ocean as well as how this transport impacts marine ecosystems.
I am interested in how physical forcings, like tides, winds and river discharge, drive water movement and layering of different water types in coastal and estuarine systems as well as how physical conditions like water temperature, salinity, and stratification, impact marine ecosystems.
My research is focused on understanding relationships between coastal/estuarine circulation and hydrographic conditions and the associated dynamics as well as interactions between the coastal ocean and atmospheric phenomena.
His research interests lie in coastal physical oceanography (things related to the structure and flow of water, i.e. currents, tides, stratification) as well as how physical processes impact biogeochemical cycling and ecosytem function