7 Grants
EPSCoR Research Fellows: NSF: Memristor Based Computing-in-Memory for Neuromorphic System: Design, Optimization, and Fabrication
Wang, Jinhui
National Science Foundation (NSF), Office Of The Director, OIA-Office of Integrative Activities (ID: 2428981), $300,000USD, 2025-01-01 -- 2026-12-31
Collaborative Research: EAGER: INCLUDES: ME-REG: Microelectronics Experimental Research Experiences for Graduates
Wang, JinhuiGong, NaZha, Shenghua and Stacey, Krista
National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate for STEM Education, Div. of Equity for Excellence in STEM (ID: 2427766), $250,000USD, 2024-10-01 -- 2026-09-30
Collaborative Research: ENG-SEMICON: RUI: Carbohydrate Memristor Empowered Environmentally Sustainable Processor-in-Memory
Wang, Jinhui
National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate For Engineering, Div Of Electrical, Commun & Cyber Sys (ID: 2420994), $275,000USD, 2024-10-01 -- 2027-09-30
Memristor Enabled Neuromorphic System with Robust Immunity to Non-ideal Property
Wang, Jinhui
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) (ID: DE-SC0025561), $1,000,000USD, 2024-09-01 -- 2028-08-31
RII Track 2 FEC: Building Research Infrastructure and Workforce in Edge Artificial Intelligence
Gong, NaWang, JinhuiDi, JiaLi, Juan and Wang, Danling
National Science Foundation (NSF), Office Of The Director, OIA-Office of Integrative Activities (ID: 2218046), $3,006,595USD, 2022-08-01 -- 2024-07-31
IRES Track I: USA-China: International Research Experience for Native American Students in IoT Enabled Environmental Monitoring Technologies
Wang, JinhuiHartman, Kerry and Motschenbacher, Jill
National Science Foundation (NSF), Office Of The Director, Office Of Internatl Science &Engineering (ID: 1827040), $299,920USD, 09/01/2018 -- 08/31/2021
II-NEW: Probe Station to Characterize Body Area Network Sensor ICs for Cyber Physical Systems Applications
Smith, ScottGong, NaDawn, Debasis and Wang, Jinhui
National Science Foundation (NSF), Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr, Division Of Computer and Network Systems (ID: 1628961), $362,865USD, 08/01/2016 -- 07/31/2019