2 Grants
Understanding the Effect of Interfacial Ions on the Atomistic Structure and Chemical Reactivity at Solid/Liquid Interfaces
Szilvasi, Tibor
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) (ID: DE-SC0024654), $496,000USD, 2023-09-01 -- 2026-06-30
EFRI E3P: CAS: Transformative Upcycling of Polymers by Activating Chemistries
Szilvasi, TiborRupar, PaulTurner, ChristofferBara, Jason and Koh, Amanda
National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate For Engineering, Emerging Frontiers & Multidisciplinary Activities (ID: 2132133), $1,999,900USD, 2021-08-15 -- 2025-07-31