27 Publications (Page 1 of 2)
Exploring the relationships between kindergarten educators’ certification area, perceived control, instructional practices, and career satisfaction. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education
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Teacher Educators’ Reflections on Supporting Pre-service and Early Career Educators’ Social-Emotional Learning. Social and Emotional Learning: Research, Practice, and Policy
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Family child care Educators’ experiences and Decision-Making related to serving children during COVID-19 and implications for supporting educators after the pandemic. Children and Youth Services Review
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Social and emotional competencies predict pre-service teachers’ occupational health and personal well-being. Teaching and Teacher Education
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Teachers’ social competencies, occupational health, and personal well-being are associated with their use of snark in the classroom. Social Psychology of Education
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Family Child Care Program Closure in Alabama During the COVID-19 Pandemic. AERA Open
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Perspectives on quality and supporting quality improvement from early childhood technical assistants working with family child care educators. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education
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Ease of restroom access influences fluid consumption habits and health in classroom teachersWinchester, Lee J.⋅Hooper, Alison L. and Kerch, Cailin J.(pp. 1–6). Informa UK Limited
Linking early head start children’s social–emotional functioning with profiles of family functioning and stress. Journal of Family PsychologyHooper, Alison⋅Hustedt, Jason T⋅Slicker, Gerilyn⋅Hallam, Rena A and Gaviria-Loaiza, Juana
Novice early childhood teachers’ perceptions of their professional development experiences: an interpretive phenomenological approach. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education
Sing and Play Your Way to Reading: Building Emergent Literacy Skills in Infants and Toddlers Through Music. The Reading Teacher
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Social support in a parenting Facebook group during the COVID ‐19 pandemic. Family Relations
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An in-depth examination of family child care providers and their engagement with outside systems using a mixed methods case study approachHooper, Alison and Hallam, Rena(pp. 105959). Elsevier BV
An intensive professional development in family child care: a promising approachHan, Myae⋅Buell, Martha⋅Hallam, Rena and Hooper, Alison(pp. 1–17). Informa UK Limited
Identifying a Typology of Unlisted Paid Home-Based Child Care Providers Using Latent Profile AnalysisHooper, Alison⋅Slicker, Gerilyn and Riser, Danielle(pp. 1–14). Informa UK Limited
“Our quality is a little bit different”: How family childcare providers who participate in a Quality Rating and Improvement System and receive childcare subsidy define qualityHooper, Alison⋅Hallam, Rena and Skrobot, Christine(pp. 146394911985898). SAGE Publications
Prevalence and Characteristics of Home-Based Child Care Providers Serving Children With Provider-Reported Disabilities. Journal of Early Intervention
“I’m a Teacher, Unofficially”: How Home-Based Providers Perceive and Navigate Their RolesHooper, Alison(pp. 223–237). Informa UK Limited
Prevalence and predictors of expulsion in home-based child care settingsHooper, Alison and Schweiker, ClaireWiley
Boosting family child care success in Quality Rating and Improvement SystemsHallam, Rena A.⋅Hooper, Alison⋅Buell, Martha⋅Ziegler, Melissa and Han, Myae(pp. 239–247). Elsevier BV
Classifying Home-Based Child Care Providers: Validating a Typology of Providers’ Beliefs and Self-Reported PracticesHooper, Alison(pp. 275–285). Springer Science and Business Media LLC
Identifying profiles of listed home-based child care providers based on their beliefs and self-reported practicesHooper, Alison and Hallam, Rena(pp. 194–205). Elsevier BV
A Descriptive Study of the Relationship Between Literacy Quality and Global Quality in Family Child Care Programs Engaged in Quality Rating and Improvement SystemsBuell, Martha J.⋅Buell, Martha J⋅Hooper, Alison⋅Hooper, Alison⋅Hallam, Rena A.⋅Hallam, Rena A⋅Han, Myae and Han, Myae(pp. 725–745). Springer Nature America, Inc
Predictors of Instructional Practices Among a Nationally Representative Sample of Home-Based Child Care ProvidersHooper, Alison(pp. 747–768). Springer Science and Business Media LLC
The influence of early childhood teacher certification on kindergarten and first-grade students’ academic outcomesHooper, Alison(pp. 1–12). Informa UK Limited