13 Publications
Physiology, microcystin production, and transcriptomic responses of Microcystis aeruginosa exposed to calcium and magnesium.
Yin, LiXu, LinShi, KaipianChen, WeiyuZhang, YongWang, JuanAn, JunfengHe, HuanYang, ShaoguiNi, Lixiao and Li, Shiyin
The Science of the total environment, vol. 913, pp. 169786, February 25, 2024. | Journal Article
Co-transport of biogenic nano-hydroxyapatite and Pb(II) in saturated sand columns: Controlling factors and stochastic modeling.
Zhou, DongbaoHan, XuanZhang, YongWei, WeiGreen, Christopher TSun, HongGuang and Zheng, Chunmiao
Chemosphere, vol. 275, pp. 130078, July 2021. | Journal Article
Enhanced Cr(VI) removal from water using a green synthesized nanocrystalline chlorapatite: Physicochemical interpretations and fixed-bed column mathematical model study.
Han, XuanZhang, YongZheng, ChunmiaoYu, XiangnanLi, Shiyin and Wei, Wei
Chemosphere, vol. 264, pp. 128421, February 2021. | Journal Article
Groundwater level modeling framework by combining the wavelet transform with a long short-term memory data-driven model.
Wu, ChengchengZhang, XiaoqinWang, WanjieLu, ChengpengZhang, YongQin, WeiTick, Geoffrey RLiu, Bo and Shu, Longcang
The Science of the total environment, vol. 783, pp. 146948, April 8, 2021. | Journal Article
Hierarchical Fractional Advection-Dispersion Equation (FADE) to Quantify Anomalous Transport in River Corridor over a Broad Spectrum of Scales: Theory and Applications
Zhang, YongZhang, YongZhou, DongbaoZhou, DongbaoWei, WeiWei, WeiFrame, Jonathan MFrame, Jonathan MSun, HongguangSun, HongguangSun, Alexander YSun, Alexander YChen, Xingyuan and Chen, Xingyuan
Mathematics , vol. 9, (no. 7), 2021. | Journal Article
Insights into the adsorption mechanism of tannic acid by a green synthesized nano-hydroxyapatite and its effect on aqueous Cu(II) removal.
Wei, WeiLi, JunsuoHan, XuanYao, YijunZhao, WeiHan, RuimingLi, ShiyinZhang, Yong and Zheng, Chunmiao
The Science of the total environment, vol. 778, pp. 146189, March 3, 2021. | Journal Article
Modeling COVID-19 spreading dynamics and unemployment rate evolution in rural and urban counties of Alabama and New York using fractional derivative models.
Yu, XiangnanZhang, Yong and Sun, HongGuang
Results in physics, vol. 26, pp. 104360, July 2021. | Journal Article
A new collection of real world applications of fractional calculus in science and engineering
Sun, HongGuangSun, HongGuangZhang, YongZhang, YongBaleanu, DumitruBaleanu, DumitruChen, WenChen, WenChen, YangQuan and Chen, Yang Quan
Communications in Nonlinear Science & Numerical Simulation, vol. 64, Nov 2018. | Journal Article
A fast semi-discrete Kansa method to solve the two-dimensional spatiotemporal fractional diffusion equation
Sun, HongGuangLiu, XiaotingZhang, YongPang, Guofei and Garrard, Rhiannon
Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 345, Sep 15, 2017. | Journal Article
Identify source location and release time for pollutants undergoing super-diffusion and decay: Parameter analysis and model evaluation
Zhang, YongSun, HongGuangLu, BingqingGarrard, Rhiannon and Neupauer, Roseanna M
Advances in Water Resources, vol. 107, Sep 2017. | Journal Article
Multivariate statistical analysis of water chemistry in evaluating groundwater geochemical evolution and aquifer connectivity near a large coal mine, Anhui, China
Qian, JiazhongWang, LangMa, LeiLu, YuehanZhao, Weidong and Zhang, Yong
Environmental Earth Sciences, vol. 75, (no. 9), pp. 1-10, May 2016. | Journal Article
Incorporating Super-Diffusion due to Sub-Grid Heterogeneity to Capture Non-Fickian Transport.
Baeumer, BorisZhang, Yong and Schumer, Rina
Ground water, vol. 53, (no. 5), pp. 699-708. | Journal Article
Peclet number as affected by molecular diffusion controls transient anomalous transport in alluvial aquifer-aquitard complexes.
Zhang, YongGreen, Christopher T and Tick, Geoffrey R
Journal of contaminant hydrology, vol. 177-178, pp. 220-238. | Journal Article