7 Grants
IRES: Portugal Undergraduate Research Experience in Biotechnology and Life Sciences (PURE BLISS)
Kim, YonghyunSummers, Ryan and Rao, Shreyas
National Science Foundation (NSF), Office Of The Director, Office Of Internatl Science &Engineering (ID: 2419629), $446,322USD, 2024-09-01 -- 2027-08-31
Bioreactor-based Manufacturing of Glioblastoma Organoids
Kim, Yonghyun
National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate For Engineering, Div Of Chem, Bioeng, Env, & Transp Sys (ID: 2000053), $325,093USD, 2020-05-15 -- 2023-04-30
Biomimetic Materials to Elucidate the Role of Microenvironment in Glioblastoma Stem Cell Maintenance In Vitro
Kim, Yonghyun and Rao, Shreyas
National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate For Engineering, Div Of Chem, Bioeng, Env, & Transp Sys (ID: 1604677), $425,000USD, 09/01/2016 -- 08/31/2019
Biomimetic Materials to Elucidate the Role of Microenvironment in Glioblastoma Stem Cell Maintenance In Vitro
Kim, Yonghyun and Rao, Shreyas
National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate For Engineering, Div Of Chem, Bioeng, Env, & Transp Sys (ID: 1604677), $425,000USD, 09/01/2016 -- 08/31/2019
I-Corps: Automated Multicellular Aggregate Dissociator
Kim, Yonghyun
National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate For Engineering, Div Of Industrial Innovation & Partnersh (ID: 1661600), $50,000USD, 12/01/2016 -- 05/31/2017
I-Corps: Automated Multicellular Aggregate Dissociator
Kim, Yonghyun
National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate For Engineering, Div Of Industrial Innovation & Partnersh (ID: 1661600), $50,000USD, 12/01/2016 -- 05/31/2017
BRIGE: Effects of Varying Fluid Shear Stress on Stem Cell Sphere Aggregates
Kim, Yonghyun
National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate for Engineering, Division of Engineering Education and Centers (ID: 1342388), $174,999USD, 09/01/2013 -- 08/31/2015