18 Publications
Is Submarine Groundwater Discharge (SGD) Important for the Historical Fish Kills and Harmful Algal Bloom Events of Mobile Bay?
Montiel, DanielLamore, AlexanderJackson, Stewart and Dimova, Natasha
Estuaries and Coasts, vol. 42, (no. 2), pp. 470-493, Mar 2019. | Journal Article
Natural groundwater nutrient fluxes exceed anthropogenic inputs in an ecologically impacted estuary: lessons learned from Mobile Bay, Alabama
Montiel, DanielMontiel, D.Montiel, DanielLamore, A.F.Lamore, Alexander FLamore, Alexander FJackson, StewartStewart, J.Jackson, StewartLambert, W.J.Lambert, W JLambert, W JHoneck, JacobHoneck, J.Honeck, JacobLu, Y.Lu, YuehanLu, YuehanWarren, OliviaWarren, OliviaWarren, O.Adyasari, D.Moosdorf, N.Moosdorf, NilsMoosdorf, NilsDimova, N.Dimova, Natasha and Dimova, Natasha
Biogeochemistry, pp. 1-33, Sep 2019. | Journal Article
Dissolved methane and carbon dioxide fluxes in Subarctic and Arctic regions: Assessing measurement techniques and spatial gradients
Garcia-Tigreros Kodovska, FenixSparrow, Katy JYvon-Lewis, Shari APaytan, AdinaDimova, Natasha TLecher, Alanna and Kessler, John D
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 436, pp. 43-55, Feb 2016. | Journal Article
Current Magnitude and Mechanisms of Groundwater Discharge in the Arctic: Case Study from Alaska
Dimova, Natasha TPaytan, AdinaKessler, John DSparrow, Katy JGarcia-Tigreros Kodovska, FenixLecher, Alanna LMurray, Joseph and Tulaczyk, Slawomir M
Environmental science & technology, vol. 49, (no. 20), pp. 12036, Oct 20, 2015. | Journal Article
Methane transport from the active layer to lakes in the Arctic using Toolik Lake, Alaska, as a case study
Adina PaytanPaytan, AdinaAlanna L. LecherLecher, Alanna LNatasha DimovaDimova, NatashaKaty J. SparrowSparrow, Katy JFenix Garcia-Tigreros KodovskaKodovska, Fenix Garcia-TigrerosJoseph MurrayMurray, JosephTulaczyk, SlawomirSlawomir TulaczykJohn D. Kessler and Kessler, John D
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 112, (no. 12), pp. 3636-3640, Mar 24, 2015. | Journal Article
Methane transport through submarine groundwater discharge to the North Pacific and Arctic Ocean at two Alaskan sites
Lecher, Alanna LKessler, JohnSparrow, KatyGarcia-Tigreros Kodovska, FenixDimova, NatashaMurray, JosephTulaczyk, Slawek and Paytan, Adina
Limnology and Oceanography, pp. n/a, Jun 2015. | Journal Article
Using multi-radiotracer techniques to better understand sedimentary dynamics of reworked muds in the Changjiang River estuary and inner shelf of East China Sea
Xu, BochaoBianchi, Thomas SAllison, Mead ADimova, Natasha TWang, HoujieZhang, LongjunDiao, ShaoboJiang, XueyanZhen, YuYao, PengChen, HongtaoYao, QingzhenDong, WenhuaSui, Juanjuan and Yu, Zhigang
Marine Geology, vol. 370, pp. 76-86, Dec 2015. | Journal Article
Natural 222Rn and 220Rn indicate the impact of the Water–Sediment Regulation Scheme (WSRS) on submarine groundwater discharge in the Yellow River estuary, China
Xu, BochaoXia, DongBurnett, William CDimova, Natasha TWang, HoujieZhang, LongjunGao, MaoshengJiang, Xueyan and Yu, Zhigang
Applied Geochemistry, vol. 51, pp. 79-85, Dec 2014. | Journal Article
Application of radon-222 to investigate groundwater discharge into small shallow lakes
Dimova, Natasha TBurnett, William CChanton, Jeffrey P and Corbett, Jane E
Journal of Hydrology (Amsterdam), vol. 486, pp. 112-122, 2013. | Journal Article
Determination of water ages and flushing rates using short-lived radium isotopes in large estuarine system, the Yangtze River Estuary, China
Xu, Bo-ChaoDimova, Natasha TZhao, LiangJiang, Xue-Yan and Yu, Zhi-Gang
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, vol. 121-122, pp. 61-68, 2013. | Journal Article
Hydrodynamics in the Yellow River Estuary via radium isotopes: Ecological perspectives
Xu, BochaoBurnett, WilliamDimova, NatashaDiao, ShaoboMi, TiezhuJiang, Xueyan and Yu, Zhigang
Continental Shelf Research, vol. 66, pp. 19-28, Sep 2013. | Journal Article
Submarine Groundwater Discharge-Derived Nutrient Loads to San Francisco Bay: Implications to Future Ecosystem Changes
Null, Kimberly ANull, Kimberly ADimova, Natasha TDimova, Natasha TKnee, Karen LKnee, Karen LEsser, Bradley KEsser, Bradley KSwarzenski, Peter WSwarzenski, Peter WSingleton, Michael JSingleton, Michael JStacey, MarkStacey, MarkPaytan, Adina and Paytan, Adina
Estuaries and Coasts, vol. 35, (no. 5), pp. 1299-1315, 2012. | Journal Article
A natural tracer investigation of the hydrological regime of Spring Creek Springs, the largest submarine spring system in Florida
Dimova, Natasha TBurnett, William C and Speer, Kevin
Continental Shelf Research, vol. 31, (no. 6), pp. 731-738, 2011. | Journal Article
Evaluation of groundwater discharge into small lakes based on the temporal distribution of radon-222
Dimova, Natasha T
Limnology and Oceanography, vol. 56, (no. 2), pp. 486-494, 2011. | Journal Article
Comparison of measurement methods for radium-226 on manganese-fiber
Peterson, Richard NBurnett, William CDimova, Natasha T and Santos, Isaac R
Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, vol. 7, pp. 196-205, 2009. | Journal Article
Burnett, William CChanton, Jeffrey PSantos, I.Dimova, Natasha TMwashote, B.Peterson, R.Hu, W. and Li, X.
2008. | Journal Article
Burnett, William CChanton, Jeffrey PSantos, I.Dimova, Natasha TMwashote, B.Peterson, R.Hu, W. and Li, X.
2008. | Journal Article
Automated measurement of 224Ra and 226Ra in water.
Dimova, Natasha TBurnett, William CHorwitz, E P and Lane-Smith, D
Applied radiation and isotopes : including data, instrumentation and methods for use in agriculture, industry and medicine, vol. 65, (no. 4), pp. 428-34, 2007/Apr. | Journal Article