33 Publications (Page 1 of 2)
PhysioML: A Web-Based Tool for Machine Learning Education with Real-Time Physiological Data
LITI: Learning with Interactive Time Series Information. 2023 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC)
Supporting Elementary Teachers’ Technological, Pedagogical, and Content Knowledge in Computational Thinking IntegrationLuo, Feiya⋅Ijeluola, Stephen Abiodun⋅Westerlund, Jill⋅Walker, Amanda⋅Denham, André⋅Walker, John and Young, CherelleJournal of Science Education and Technology.
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Utilizing augmented reality for embodied mental rotation training: A learning analytics studyYu, Jiaqi and Denham, André R.British Journal of Educational Technology.
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A systematic review of augmented reality game-based Learning in STEM educationYu, Jiaqi⋅Denham, André R. and Searight, EmpressEducational technology research and development.
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Developing a Stealth Assessment System Using a Continuous Conjunctive Model. Journal of Learning AnalyticsYu, Jiaqi⋅Ma, Wenchao⋅Moon, Jewoong and Denham, André.
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Digital Games and the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics: A Survey StudyDenham, André R.⋅Harbour, Kristin E. and Wind, Stefanie A.Investigations in Mathematics Learning, pp. 1–14.
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Designing an Augmented Reality Digital Game for Adaptive Number Knowledge DevelopmentYu, Jiaqi and Denham, André R.(pp. 245–271). Springer International Publishing
“May Force be with You”, Disciple Training in Physics through Game-based Learning Yu, Jiaqi and Denham, André(pp. 514–518 ). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)
Supporting All Students: Productive Mathematical Discourse in Online EnvironmentsHarbour, Kristin E. and Denham, André R.Intervention in School and Clinic, vol. 57, pp. 87–94.
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Towards Web-based Environments for Prototyping Social Robot ApplicationsJohnson, Brisaac⋅Hernández-Cuevas, Bryan Y.⋅Singh, Utkarsh⋅Crawford, Chris S.⋅Vikas, Vishesh and Denham, AndreACM
Changing Minds: Exploring Brain-Computer Interface Experiences with High School Students. Extended Abstracts of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Analyzing the Effects of a Culturally Relevant Augmented Reality Math Board Game on Lakota Students’ Arithmetic Performances: A Case Study Yu, Jiaqi and Denham, Andre(pp. 606–610 ). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)
Position: A Novice Oriented Dual-Modality Programming Tool for Brain-Computer Interfaces Application DevelopmentMehul, Ajay⋅Cioli, Nicholas⋅Crawford, Chris S. and Denham, AndreIEEE
The Three Hebrew Boys Revisited: Exploring Border Crossing “Brotha”-Ship in the Journeys of Three Tenured Black Male Seventh-Day Adventist Professors. ReligionsDouglas, Ty-Ron M⋅Freeman, Sydney and Denham, André R.
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Using the PCaRD digital game-based learning model of instruction in the middle school mathematics classroom: A case study
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Cultivating critical game makers in digital game-based learning: learning from the artsDenham, A.R. and Guyotte, K.W.Learning, Media and Technology, vol. 43, pp. 31-41.
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Simulating Oppression: Digital Gaming, Race and the Education of African American Children. The Urban Review
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Using a digital game as an advance organizerDenham, A.R.Educational Technology Research and Development, vol. 66.
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Interactive Concept of Operations Narrative Simulators. NASA
Game-based Learning. SpringerBriefs in Educational Communications and Technology
Improving the Design of a Learning Game Through Intrinsic Integration and PlaytestingDenham, A.R.Technology, Knowledge and Learning, vol. 21, pp. 175-194.
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Integrating Game-Based Learning Initiative: Increasing the Usage of Game-Based Learning Within K-12 Classrooms Through Professional Learning GroupsDenham, A.R.⋅Mayben, R. and Boman, T.TechTrends, vol. 60, pp. 70-76.
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Supporting conceptual understanding of the associative and distributive properties through digital gameplayDenham, A.R.Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, vol. 31, pp. 706-721.
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Strategy instruction and maintenance of basic multiplication facts through digital game playDenham, A.R.(pp. 290-309)