Dr. Mryasov's research interests include the fundamentals of large magnetic anisotropy materials, multi-scale models of static and dynamic properties of nano-magnets, theory of extended lattice defects, fundamentals of multi-functional materials such as transparent-conductors, magnetic semiconductors and ferroelectric materials. His research focuses on the microscopic theory of fundamental magnetic interactions (magnetic anisotropy, exchange coupling) in metals, intermetallics and metal insulator hetero-structures, spin dependent transport in artificially layered nanostructures including high-spin-polarization materials (Heusler alloys) and magnetic tunneling junctions based on ordinary and multi-functional oxides. Dr. Mryasov's fundamental research has applications in the search for novel materials and design solutions for data storage and information processing applications, as well as the fundamentals of recording media and transducers. Theoretical condensed-matter physics
Doctor, Russian Academy of Sciences, Solid State Physics, 1993