4 Grants
Understanding the resilience of longleaf pine savannas following Hurricane Michael
Starr, GregoryStaudhammer, ChristinaBrantley, Steven and Bigelow, Seth
National Science Foundation (NSF), Direct For Biological Sciences, Division Of Environmental Biology (ID: 1910811), $197,083USD, 02/15/2019 -- 01/31/2020
Collaborative Research: Understanding the Effects of Increased Freshwater Inputs and Salt Water Intrusion on the Current and Future Greenhouse Carbon Balance of Everglade Wetlands
Starr, Gregory and Staudhammer, Christina
National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate For Geosciences, Div Atmospheric & Geospace Sciences (ID: 1561139), $433,442USD, 04/01/2016 -- 03/31/2019
Collaborative Research: Building Forest Management into Earth System Modeling: Scaling from Stand to Continent
Starr, GregoryStaudhammer, Christina and Duffy, Paul
National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate for Biological Sciences, Emerging Frontiers (ID: 1241881), $336,536USD, 06/01/2013 -- 05/31/2015
Collaborative Research: Cold-season gas exchange of arctic plants - resolving winter carbon and water balances of Alaskan arctic tundra
Starr, Gregory and Mortazavi, Behzad
National Science Foundation (NSF), Office of Polar Programs, Arctic Sciences Division (ID: 0806776), $714,419USD, 09/01/2008 -- 08/31/2012