
Dr. Borie's research and teaching interests:

  • Theoretical computer science
  • Algorithm design and analysis
  • Graph theory and algorithms
  • Parallel and distributed computation
  • Data structures
  • Discrete mathematics
  • Combinatorial optimization
  • Programming languages
  • Compilation and parsing
  • Formal languages and machines
  • Computational complexity

My research has concentrated in the design of algorithms for difficult graph problems that are NP-hard on arbitrary graphs, but which can be efficiently solved on certain structured classes of graphs.

Most recently I've been working on the design of algorithmic solutions for several variations of the pursuit-evasion problem on various graph classes.

Dr. Borie’s research interests include algorithms and theory.

Areas of Research

  • Algorithms
  • Theory
Computer Science
PhD, Georgia Institute of Technology, Information and Computer Science, 1988
MS, Georgia Institute of Technology, Information and Computer Science, 1986
MS, University of Alabama, Computer Science, 1984
BS, University of Alabama, Mathematics, 1983
computer and information sciences