
Dr. Hauser's research group focuses on the fabrication and study of new electronic and magnetic materials.

Our research group has expanded widely from its original focus of designing atomically perfect complex materials.

The Functional Materials Laboratory, has expanded widely from its original focus of designing atomically perfect complex materials. In each case, funded subgroups have emerged to solve national security (chemical weapons detection, secure precision time and frequency) or existential (personal protective armor) problems.

The primary research areas fit into three categories:

  • Complex Functional Materials
  • Airborne Chemical Sensing
  • Precision Time and Frequency

Expertise: Experimental Condensed Matter Physics

Physics, Astronomy
PhD, Ohio State University, Physics, 2010
MS, Ohio State University, Physics, 2008
BS, Rutgers University, Astrophysics, 2004
BS, Rutgers University, Physics, 2004