
Research Areas: Health communication, health campaigns; data analysis, data scraping, online communities, games for health; games and culture

Recent projects include the following, broadly speaking:

  • Topic modeling and detection of health risks in communication and chronic health issues through the use of large web data sets
  • Longitudinal and structural changes over time in a semantic network to look at chronic health issues and the role of social support and capital
  • Impact of networks on risk behaviors by detecting patterns in communication by opinion leaders, and the role of emotion in large data sets surrounding health discourse

My research program likewise includes developing and evaluating health campaigns through persuasive message design, especially focusing on health issues experienced by socially disadvantaged populations.

My research involves several key areas centered around health communication and communication studies.

Current Projects:

  • Longitudinal changes associated with health communication discourse: Structural and temporal features 
  • Modeling networks of vaccines, pandemics and health and risk communication on Reddit and Twitter
  • The future of health communication: Theorizing about the boundaries of models and data complexity
  • Social media influence and network and content characteristics


PhD, Purdue University, 2012