42 Publications (Page 1 of 2)
Solving the equity-aware dial-a-ride problem using an exact branch-cut-and-price algorithm. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological
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The accessibility and inaccessibility of urban public charging station
Evaluating temporal variations in access to multi-tier hospitals using personal vehicles and public transit: Implications for healthcare equity. Sustainable Cities and Society
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Factoring in temporal variations of public transit-based healthcare accessibility and equity. International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology
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Optimal Drive-By Sensing in Urban Road Networks With Large-Scale Ridesourcing Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
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Understanding the opportunity-centric accessibility for public charging infrastructure. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment
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DCA: Delayed Charging Attack on the Electric Shared Mobility System. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
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Regional Mobility Engine for Multimodal Transportation in Central Alabama
A knowledge graph-based method for epidemic contact tracing in public transportation. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies
A signaling game approach of siting conflict mediation for the construction of waste incineration facilities under information asymmetry. Journal of Cleaner Production
Competition and price strategies of hazardous waste collection for small and micro enterprises based on dual-channel reverse supply chain. Journal of Cleaner Production
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DROP: Deep relocating option policy for optimal ride-hailing vehicle repositioning. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies
Qian, XinwuGuo, Shuocheng and Aggarwal, Vaneet
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Impact of COVID-19 on paratransit operators and riders: A case study of central Alabama. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
Modeling the preference of electric shared mobility drivers in choosing charging stations. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment
Short-Term Demand Forecasting for on-Demand Mobility Service. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
Qian, XinwuUkkusuri, Satish V.Yang, Chao and Yan, Fenfan
Spatiotemporal impacts of human activities and socio-demographics during the COVID-19 outbreak in the US. BMC Public Health
Understanding charging dynamics of fully-electrified taxi services using large-scale trajectory data. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies
Connecting urban transportation systems with the spread of infectious diseases: A Trans-SEIR modeling approach. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological
Scaling of contact networks for epidemic spreading in urban transit systems. Scientific Reports
Efficient proactive vehicle relocation for on-demand mobility service with recurrent neural networks. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies
Impact of transportation network companies on urban congestion: Evidence from large-scale trajectory data. Sustainable Cities and Society
Online Energy-optimal Routing for Electric Vehicles with Combinatorial Multi-arm Semi-Bandit. IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems
Optimal charging facility location and capacity for electric vehicles considering route choice and charging time equilibrium. Computers & Operations Research
Chen, RuiQian, XinwuMiao, Lixin and Ukkusuri, Satish V.
Understanding the Operational Dynamics of Mobility Service Providers: A Case of Uber. ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems
Qian, XinwuKumar, DheerajZhang, Wenbo and Ukkusuri, Satish
A-RESCUE 2.0: A High-Fidelity, Parallel, Agent-Based Evacuation Simulator
Gehlot, H.Gehlot, HemantGehlot, HemantZhan, XianyuanZhan, XianyuanZhan, X.Qian, X.Qian, XinwuQian, XinwuThompson, C.Thompson, ChristopherThompson, ChristopherKulkarni, M.Kulkarni, MilindKulkarni, MilindUkkusuri, Satish VUkkusuri, S.V. and Ukkusuri, Satish V
Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, vol. 33. | Journal Article