Areas of Research
- Computer Security
- Control System Security
- Cyber Security Education
- Machine Learning
- Software Engineering
His current research efforts focus on the topics of cyber security, transportation infrastructure, and control systems security.
His work has spanned a wide range of topics, including computer security using both static and dynamic methods, cyber security, information assurance, network security, control system security, transportation infrastructure security, intrusion detection, information retrieval, data mining, distributed data mining, ensemble and hierarchical modeling, and architecture and application development.
Research Interests
- Cyber Security
- Cyber Security Education
- Computer Security
- Digital Forensics
- Control System Security
- Transportation Infrastructure
- Software Assurance
- Software Engineering
- Network Security
- Threat Avoidance
- Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
- Information Retrieval
Research Projects
- License Plate Image Recognition
- Intrusion Prediction Model using Dynamic Attack Tree
- Using Isochrones to Understand Traffic Congestion
- Wireless Cluster Computers using Mesh Networks