- Functionalized membrane towards self-cleaning membranes
- Foulant colloidal behavior
- Nanomaterials environmental safety: Transport and fate of nanomaterials
Our research field is at the interface of several disciplines including separation science, nanotechnology, materials science and colloid science that links to the water‐energy‐food nexus. In the field of functionalized membranes, we are developing functionalized membranes with enhanced selectivity properties where they can provide higher permeability and less (bio) fouling.
Also, in the field of nanomaterials environmental safety, we are studying the transport and fate of nanomaterials in aquatic environment.
Areas of Research
- Functionalized Membranes for Sustainable Water and Energy Production
- Nanomaterials Environmental Safety
- Polymers and Soft Materials Initiative
- Water
- Water-Wastewater Treatment and Desalination