
Research interests

My major research interests focus on the ecology of freshwater invertebrates, particularly insects, and their role in aquatic ecosystems. My students and I have worked in streams, Coastal Plain rivers, and floodplain wetlands, and my research program continues to emphasize these systems which are prevalent throughout Alabama and the southeast. Much of my work has emphasized the theory and practice of estimating invert ebrate production, but I also have related interests in population dynamics, drift dynamics, predator/prey relationships and trophic relationships in general (food webs). My research on Coastal Plain blackwater rivers has emphasized that much of the invertebrate diversity and production occurs on submerged wood (snags), rather than in the sandy sediments, and we have continued to pursue studies on wood-dwelling invertebrates. Invertebrate growth experiments and estimation of predator energetic needs have shown that primary consumers such as midges and mayflies must have extremely high biomass turnover rates in these warmwater systems. Anyone who works in Coastal Plain rivers soon appreciates the importance of floodplain habitats, which are inundated for up to several months per year, and we have pursued studies of invertebrate adaptations and production (both benthic and planktonic) in these highly fluctuating systems. In addition, we have conducted a synoptic study on higher gradient small streams in Northern Alabama addressing the influence of geology from 3 geographic provinces on the biological productivity. With the widespread degradation of rivers from dams, channelization and other types of exploitation, I am very interested in conservation and management of river ecosystems. Opportunities for graduate research in my laboratory continue to stress the dynamics, production, biodiversity, and interspecific interactions of freshwater invertebrates, and their ecological roles in stream, river and wetland ecosystems. Ecology of streams;
Freshwater invertebrate ecology;
Aquatic secondary production;
Trophic relationships and food webs.

Aquatic Invertebrates, Ecology, Rivers, Streams, Wetlands
Past Affiliations

Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Alabama

Professor, Department of Biology, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Alabama at Birmingham (past)

American Institute of Biological Sciences

Associate Professor, Arts and Sciences
1971 - 1984

PhD, University of Georgia, Zoology and Ecology, 1972
pest management biological sciences ecology entomology wetlands
American Association for the Advancement of Science
American Society for Limnology and Oceanography
Ecological Society of America
North American Benthological Society
Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society