10 Publications
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons as universal bases in peptide nucleic acid
MacKinnon, Kathryn FQualley, Dominic F and Woski, Stephen A
Tetrahedron Letters, vol. 48, (no. 45), pp. 8074-8077, 2007. | Journal Article
Polarization of charge-transfer bands and rectification in hexadecylquinolinium 7,7,8-tricyanoquinodimethanide and its tetrafluoro analog.
Honciuc, AndreiOtsuka, AkihiroWang, Yu-HsiangMcElwee, Samuel KWoski, Stephen ASaito, Gunzi and Metzger, Robert M
The journal of physical chemistry. B, Condensed matter, materials, surfaces, interfaces & biophysical, vol. 110, (no. 31), pp. 15085-93, 2006/Aug/10. | Journal Article
Cytochrome c: A Biochemistry Laboratory Course
Vincent, John B and Woski, Stephen A
Journal of Chemical Education, vol. 82, (no. 8), pp. 1211-1214, Aug 2005. | Journal Article
Fluoroaromatic universal bases in peptide nucleic acids.
Frey, Kathryn A and Woski, Stephen A
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), (no. 19), pp. 2206-7, 2002/Oct/7. | Journal Article
The binding of trivalent chromium to low-molecular-weight chromium-binding substance (LMWCr) and the transfer of chromium from transferrin and chromium picolinate to LMWCr.
Sun, YRamirez, JWoski, Stephen A and Vincent, John B
Journal of biological inorganic chemistry : JBIC : a publication of the Society of Biological Inorganic Chemistry, vol. 5, (no. 1), pp. 129-36, 2000/Feb. | Journal Article
Design of modified oligodeoxyribonucleotide probes to detect telomere repeat sequences in FISH assays
Hacia, Joseph GNovotny, EAMayer, RAWoski, Stephen AAshlock, MA and Collins, Francis S
Nucleic Acids Research, vol. 27, (no. 20), pp. 4034-4039, 1999. | Journal Article
Nitroazole universal bases in peptide nucleic acids.
Challa, HStyers, M L and Woski, Stephen A
Organic letters, vol. 1, (no. 10), pp. 1639-41, 1999/Nov/18. | Journal Article
The nutritional supplement chromium(III) tris(picolinate) cleaves DNA
Speetjens, JKCollins, RAVincent, John B and Woski, Stephen A
Chemical Research in Toxicology, vol. 12, (no. 6), pp. 483-487, 1999. | Journal Article
Enhanced high density oligonucleotide array-based sequence analysis using modified nucleoside triphosphates
Hacia, Joseph GWoski, Stephen AFidanza, J.Edgemon, K.Hunt, N.McGall, G.Fodor, SPA and Collins, Francis S
Nucleic Acids Research, vol. 26, (no. 21), pp. 4975-4982, 1998. | Journal Article
The synthesis of the cyclopenta(a)phenanthren-17-ones and their putative active metabolites (Dissertation)
Woski, Stephen A (1991).