30 Publications (Page 1 of 2)
Coral recruitment is impacted by the presence of a sponge community
Brandt, Marilyn EBrandt, Marilyn EOlinger, Lauren KOlinger, Lauren KChaves-Fonnegra, AndiaChaves-Fonnegra, AndiaOlson, Julie BOlson, Julie BGochfeld, Deborah J and Gochfeld, Deborah J
Marine Biology, vol. 166, (no. 4), pp. 1-13, Apr 2019. | Journal Article
Erratum to: The sponge microbiome project.
Moitinho-Silva, LucasNielsen, ShaunAmir, AmnonGonzalez, AntonioAckermann, Gail LCerrano, CarloAstudillo-Garcia, CarmenEasson, ColeSipkema, DetmerLiu, FangSteinert, GeorgKotoulas, GiorgosMcCormack, Grace PFeng, GuofangBell, James JVicente, JanBjörk, Johannes RMontoya, Jose MOlson, Julie BReveillaud, JulieSteindler, LauraPineda, Mari-CarmenMarra, Maria VIlan, MichaTaylor, Michael WPolymenakou, ParaskeviErwin, Patrick MSchupp, Peter JSimister, Rachel LKnight, RobThacker, Robert WCosta, RodrigoHill, Russell TLopez-Legentil, SusannaDailianis, ThanosRavasi, TimothyHentschel, UteLi, ZhiyongWebster, Nicole S and Thomas, Torsten
GigaScience, vol. 7, (no. 12), December 1, 2018. | Journal Article
Associations between Self-Reported Gastrointestinal Illness and Water System Characteristics in Community Water Supplies in Rural Alabama: A Cross-Sectional Study
Stauber, Christine EStauber, ChristineStauber, C.E.Stauber, Christine EWedgworth, JessicaWedgworth, Jessica CWedgworth, Jessica CWedgworth, J.C.Johnson, PaulineJohnson, PaulineJohnson, P.Johnson, PaulineOlson, JulieOlson, Julie BOlson, J.B.Olson, Julie BAyers, TracyAyers, TracyAyers, TracyAyers, T.Elliott, MarkElliott, MarkElliott, M.Elliott, MarkBrown, J.Brown, JoeBrown, Joe and Brown, Joe
PLoS One, vol. 11, (no. 1), Jan 2016. | Journal Article
Diversity, structure and convergent evolution of the global sponge microbiome
Thomas, TorstenThomas, TorstenThomas, T.Moitinho-Silva, L.Moitinho-silva, LucasMoitinho-Silva, LucasMoitinho-silva, LucasLurgi, MiguelLurgi, MiguelLurgi, M.Björk, J.R.Björk, Johannes RBjörk, JohannesEasson, ColeEasson, ColeEasson, C.Astudillo-García, C.Astudillo-garcía, CarmenAstudillo-García, CarmenAstudillo-garcía, CarmenOlson, J.B.Olson, JulieOlson, Julie BErwin, Patrick MErwin, PatrickErwin, P.M.López-legentil, SusannaLópez-legentil, SusannaLópez-Legentil, SusannaLópez-Legentil, S.Luter, HeidiLuter, H.Luter, HeidiChaves-Fonnegra, AndiaChaves-Fonnegra, A.Chaves-fonnegra, AndiaChaves-fonnegra, AndiaCosta, RodrigoCosta, R.Costa, RodrigoSchupp, P.J.Schupp, Peter JSchupp, PeterSteindler, L.Steindler, LauraSteindler, LauraErpenbeck, DirkErpenbeck, DirkErpenbeck, D.Gilbert, J.Gilbert, JackGilbert, JackKnight, R.Knight, RobKnight, RobAckermann, G.Ackermann, GailAckermann, GailVictor Lopez, JoseVictor Lopez, J.Victor Lopez, JoseTaylor, M.W.Taylor, MichaelTaylor, Michael WThacker, Robert WThacker, R.W.Thacker, RobertMontoya, JoseMontoya, J.M.Montoya, Jose MHentschel, U.Hentschel, UteHentschel, UteWebster, Nicole SWebster, Nicole and Webster, N.S.
Nature Communications, vol. 7, pp. 11870, Jun 2016. | Journal Article
The Prevalence and Distribution of Neurodegenerative Compound-Producing Soil Streptomyces spp.
Watkins, Anna LRay, ArpitaR Roberts, LindsayCaldwell, Kim A and Olson, Julie B
Scientific Reports (Nature Publisher Group), vol. 6, pp. 22566, Mar 2016. | Journal Article
Molecular community profiling reveals impacts of time, space, and disease status on the bacterial community associated with the Caribbean sponge Aplysina cauliformis.
Olson, Julie BThacker, Robert W and Gochfeld, Deborah J
FEMS microbiology ecology, vol. 87, (no. 1), pp. 268-79, 2014/Jan. | Journal Article
Characterizing the bacterial associates of three Caribbean sponges along a gradient from shallow to mesophotic depths.
Olson, Julie B and Gao, Xumin
FEMS microbiology ecology, vol. 85, (no. 1), pp. 74-84, 2013/Jul. | Journal Article
Exploring individual- to population-level impacts of disease on coral reef sponges: using spatial analysis to assess the fate, dynamics, and transmission of Aplysina Red Band Syndrome (ARBS).
Easson, Cole GEasson, Cole GSlattery, MarcSlattery, MarcMomm, Henrique GMomm, Henrique GOlson, Julie BOlson, Julie BThacker, Robert WThacker, Robert WGochfeld, Deborah J and Gochfeld, Deborah J
PloS one, vol. 8, (no. 11), pp. e79976, 2013. | Journal Article
Invasive lionfish harbor a different external bacterial community than native Bahamian fishes
Stevens, J and Olson, J
Coral Reefs, vol. 32, (no. 4), pp. 1113-1121, Dec 2013. | Journal Article
Composition and stability of bacterial communities associated with granular activated carbon and anthracite filters in a pilot scale municipal drinking water treatment facility.
Shirey, T BThacker, Robert W and Olson, Julie B
Journal of water and health, vol. 10, (no. 2), pp. 244-55, 2012/Jun. | Journal Article
Trade-offs in defensive metabolite production but not ecological function in healthy and diseased sponges.
Gochfeld, DeborahKamel, Haidy NOlson, Julie B and Thacker, Robert W
Journal of chemical ecology, vol. 38, (no. 5), pp. 451-62, 2012/May. | Journal Article
Unique Actinomycetes from Marine Caves and Coral Reef Sediments Provide Novel PKS and NRPS Biosynthetic Gene Clusters
Hodges, Tyler WHodges, Tyler WSlattery, MarcSlattery, MarcOlson, Julie B and Olson, Julie B
Marine Biotechnology, vol. 14, (no. 3), pp. 270-280, 2012. | Journal Article
Phylogenetic diversity, host-specificity and community profiling of sponge-associated bacteria in the northern Gulf of Mexico.
Erwin, Patrick MOlson, Julie B and Thacker, Robert W
PloS one, vol. 6, (no. 11), pp. e26806, 2011. | Journal Article
Streptomyces scopuliridis sp. nov., a bacteriocin-producing soil streptomycete.
Farris, M HDuffy, CarolFindlay, Robert H and Olson, Julie B
International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology, vol. 61, (no. Pt 9), pp. 2112-6, 2011/Sep. | Journal Article
Microbial ecology of corals, sponges, and algae in mesophotic coral environments
Olson, Julie B and Kellogg, Christina A
FEMS Microbiology Ecology, vol. 73, (no. 1), pp. 17-30, 2010. | Journal Article
A novel feeding behavior by an ambush predator on toxic prey
Gochfeld, Deborah and Olson, Julie B
Coral Reefs, vol. 28, (no. 1), pp. 155-155, 2009. | Journal Article
Investigating bacterial sources of toxicity as an environmental contributor to dopaminergic neurodegeneration.
Caldwell, Kim ACaldwell, Kim ATucci, Michelle LTucci, Michelle LArmagost, JafaHodges, Tyler WHodges, Tyler WChen, JueChen, JueMemon, Shermeen BMemon, Shermeen BBlalock, Jeana EBlalock, Jeana EDeLeon, Susan MDeLeon, Susan MFindlay, Robert HFindlay, Robert HRuan, QingminRuan, QingminWebber, Philip JWebber, Philip JStandaert, David GStandaert, David GOlson, Julie BOlson, Julie BCaldwell, Guy and Caldwell, Guy A
PloS one, vol. 4, (no. 10), pp. e7227, 2009. | Journal Article
Molecular Comparison of Bacterial Communities within Iron-Containing Flocculent Mats Associated with Submarine Volcanoes along the Kermadec Arc
Hodges, Tyler W and Olson, Julie B
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, vol. 75, (no. 6), Mar 2009. | Journal Article
Detection of Actinobacteria cultivated from environmental samples reveals bias in universal primers
Farris, MH and Olson, Julie B
Letters in Applied Microbiology, vol. 45, (no. 4), pp. 376-381, 2007. | Journal Article
Tsukamurella spongiae sp. nov., a novel actinomycete isolated from a deep-water marine sponge.
Olson, Julie BHarmody, Dedra KBej, Asim K and Mc Carthy, Peter
International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology, vol. 57, (no. Pt 7), pp. 1478-81, 2007/Jul. | Journal Article
Aplysina red band syndrome: a new threat to Caribbean sponges
Olson, Julie BGochfeld, Deborah and Slattery, Marc
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, vol. 71, (no. 2), pp. 163-168, 2006. | Journal Article
Colony versus population variation in susceptibility and resistance to dark spot syndrome in the Caribbean coral Siderastrea siderea
Gochfeld, DeborahOlson, Julie B and Slattery, Marc
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, vol. 69, (no. 1), pp. 53-65, 2006. | Journal Article
Variability in Susceptibility and Response to Dark Spot Syndrome in Siderastrea siderea
Gochfeld, DeborahMiller, J. and Olson, Julie B
EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, vol. 87, (no. 36), 2006. | Journal Article
Associated bacterial communities of two deep-water sponges
Olson, Julie B and Mc Carthy, Peter J
Aquatic Microbial Ecology, vol. 39, (no. 1), pp. 47-55, 2005. | Journal Article
alpha -Proteobacteria cultivated from marine sponges display branching rod morphology
Olson, Julie BHarmody, DK and Mc Carthy, Perter
FEMS Microbiology Letters, vol. 211, (no. 2), pp. 169-173, 2002. | Journal Article