
Subject Areas:

  • Biochemistry
  • Inorganic Chemistry

Current efforts are focussed on the removal of actinide ions (uranium, plutonium, etc.) using the metal transport protein transferrin covalently attached to chromatography supports.


  • Elucidation of the structure, function, and mode of action of metallobiomolecules.The elucidation of the structure, function, and mode of action of metallobiomolecules via: 1) spectroscopic, magnetic, kinetic and biochemical studies of the natural systems and 2) the synthesis and characterization of biomimetic inorganic complexes.

Currently our efforts are focussed on the elucidation of the role of chromium in diabetes and the maintenance of proper carbohydrate and lipid metabolism and on the use of metalloprotein affinity metal chromatography.

PhD, Indiana University, 1988
BS, Murray State University, 1984
chemical sciences