Her area of research focus is on spirituality and coping with stress and its relationship to mental and physical health among women and people living with HIV/AIDS. Dr. Dalmida is a leading scholar in the field of HIV research and spirituality/religion and health. Her most recent book chapter focuses on the role of Religion in the HIV epidemic in a recently published book, Religion as a Social Determinant of Health (Edited by E. Idler) (Oxford University Press, 2014). Her current project examines the sociocultural factors that contribute to high rates of HIV in the U.S. Virgin Islands. Her most recent project focuses on examining the role of religion and cognitive function in the sexual decision-making and HIV/STI-associated sexual risk behavior of Black adolescent and young adult females.

Associate Professor, Capstone College of Nursing, University of Alabama

Past Affiliations

Assistant Professor, Department of Family and Community Nursing

Latin American & Caribbean Studies, Emory College of Arts and Sciences, Emory University (past)

Postdoctoral Fellowship, Duke University, Religion and Health (Theology and Medicine), 2007
PhD, Emory University, Nursing and HIV Research, 2006
MSN , Emory University, Adult Medicine, HIV/AIDS, Oncology, 2002
religious studies cognitive science sexual behavior adolescent sexual behavior mental depression hiv/aids hiv prevention neuroscience
English, Spanish

Daniel Pesut Spirit of Renewal Award, Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society for Nursing, Fall 205

Association of Nurses in AIDS Care
Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society for Nurisng
Soceity for Neuroscience
Society for Spirituality, Theology, and Health
Society for the Scientific Study of Religion