26 Publications (Page 1 of 2)
Cold adaptation shapes the robustness of metabolic networks in Drosophila melanogaster.
Williams, Caroline MWatanabe, MikiGuarracino, Mario RFerraro, Maria BEdison, Arthur SMorgan, Theodore JBoroujerdi, Arezue F B and Hahn, Daniel A
Evolution; international journal of organic evolution, vol. 68, (no. 12), pp. 3505-3523, December 2014. | Journal Article
Genetic variation in heat-stress tolerance among South American Drosophila populations
Fallis, Lindsey CFanara, Juan J and Morgan, Theodore
Genetica, vol. 139, (no. 10), pp. 1331-1337, 2011. | Journal Article
Heritable Variation in Garter Snake Color Patterns in Postglacial Populations
Westphal, MichaelMassie, JodiBronkema, JoannaSmith, Brian and Morgan, Theodore
PLoS One, vol. 6, (no. 9), Sep 2011. | Journal Article
Natural selection drives clinal life history patterns in the perennial sunflower species, Helianthus maximiliani.
Kawakami, TakeshiMorgan, TheodoreNippert, Jesse BOcheltree, TroyKeith, RoseDhakal, Preeti and Ungerer, Mark
Molecular ecology, vol. 20, (no. 11), pp. 2318-28, 2011/Jun. | Journal Article
Genetic variation in senescence marker protein-30 is associated with natural variation in cold tolerance in Drosophila.
Clowers, Katie JLyman, RichardMackay, Trudy F and Morgan, Theodore
Genetical research, vol. 92, (no. 2), pp. 103-13, 2010/Apr. | Journal Article
Quantitative Genetics of Pigmentation Development in 2 Populations of the Common Garter Snake, Thamnophis sirtalis
Westphal, Michael F and Morgan, Theodore
The Journal of Heredity, vol. 101, (no. 5), Sep/Oct 2010. | Journal Article
Response of a complex foraging phenotype to artificial selection on its component traits
Nachappa, PunyaMargolies, David CNechols, James R and Morgan, Theodore
Evolutionary Ecology, vol. 24, (no. 4), pp. 631-655, 2010. | Journal Article
Quantitative genomics of locomotor behavior in Drosophila melanogaster
Jordan, KatherineCarbone, Mary AYamamoto, AkihikoMorgan, Theodore and Mackay, Trudy F
Genome Biology, vol. 8, (no. 8), pp. R172-R172, 2007. | Journal Article
High-Resolution Mapping of Quantitative Trait Loci Affecting Increased Life Span in Drosophila melanogaster
Wilson, Rhonda HMorgan, Theodore and Mackay, Trudy F
Genetics, vol. 173, (no. 3), pp. 1455-63, Jul 2006. | Journal Article
Phenotypic variation and natural selection at catsup, a pleiotropic quantitative trait gene in Drosophila.
Carbone, Mary AJordan, KatherineLyman, RichardHarbison, SusanLeips, Jeffery WMorgan, TheodoreDeLuca, MariaAwadalla, Philip and Mackay, Trudy F
Current biology : CB, vol. 16, (no. 9), pp. 912-9, 2006/May/9. | Journal Article
Pleiotropic fitness effects of the Tre1-Gr5a region in Drosophila melanogaster
Rollmann, Stephanie MMagwire, Michael MMorgan, TheodoreOezsoy, Ergi DYamamoto, AkihikoMackay, Trudy F and Anholt, Robert R
Nature Genetics, vol. 38, (no. 7), pp. 824-829, 2006. | Journal Article
Quantitative Genomics of Aggressive Behavior in Drosophila melanogaster
Edwards, Alexis CRollmann, Stephanie MMorgan, Theodore and Mackay, Trudy F
PLoS Genetics, vol. 2, (no. 9), 2006. | Journal Article
Quantitative Trait Loci for Locomotor Behavior in Drosophila melanogaster
Jordan, KatherineMorgan, Theodore and Mackay, Trudy F
Genetics, vol. 174, (no. 1), pp. 271-84, Sep 2006. | Journal Article
Quantitative trait loci for thermotolerance phenotypes in Drosophila melanogaster
Morgan, Theodore and Mackay, Trudy F
Heredity, vol. 96, (no. 3), pp. 232-42, Mar 2006. | Journal Article
Bronikowski, AnneMorgan, TheodoreGarland, Theodore and Carter, Patrick A
Evolution, vol. 60, (no. 7), pp. 1494, Jul 2006. | Journal Article
Genetics and genomics of Drosophila mating behavior
Mackay, Trudy FHeinsohn, Stefanie LLyman, Richard FMoehring, AmandaMorgan, Theodore and Rollmann, Stephanie M
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, vol. 102, pp. 6622-6629, 2005. | Journal Article
Genetics and genomics of Drosophila mating behavior.
Mackay, Trudy FHeinsohn, Stefanie LLyman, Richard FMoehring, AmandaMorgan, Theodore and Rollmann, Stephanie M
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 102 Suppl 1, pp. 6622-9, 2005/May/3. | Journal Article
Molecular and quantitative genetic divergence among populations of house mice with known evolutionary histories
Morgan, TheodoreEvans, MAGarland, TheodoreSwallow, John G and Carter, Patrick A
Heredity, vol. 94, (no. 5), pp. 518-525, 2005. | Journal Article
Lifelong voluntary exercise in the mouse prevents age-related alterations in gene expression in the heart
Bronikowski, AnneCarter, Patrick AMorgan, TheodoreGarland, TheodoreUng, N.Pugh, Thomas DWeindruch, Richard and Prolla, Tomas
Physiological Genomics, vol. 12, (no. 2), pp. 129-138, 2003. | Journal Article
Ontogenies in mice selected for high voluntary wheel-running activity. I. Mean ontogenies
Morgan, TheodoreGarland, Theodore and Carter, Patrick A
Evolution, vol. 57, (no. 3), pp. 646-657, Mar 2003. | Journal Article
The mode of evolution of molecular markers in populations of house mice under artificial selection for locomotor behavior
Morgan, TheodoreGarland, TheodoreIrwin, B. LSwallow, John G and Carter, Patrick A
The Journal of Heredity, vol. 94, (no. 3), pp. 236, May/Jun 2003. | Journal Article
Antioxidant gene expression in active and sedentary house mice (Mus domesticus) selected for high voluntary wheel-running behavior.
Bronikowski, AnneMorgan, TheodoreGarland, Theodore and Carter, Patrick A
Genetics, vol. 161, (no. 4), pp. 1763-9, 2002/Aug. | Journal Article
The effects of early-age selection on molecular and quantitative genetic variation in house mice (Dissertation)
Morgan, Theodore (2002).
Identification, sequencing and structural analysis of a nifA-like gene of Acetobacter diazotrophicus.
Teixeira, K RMorgan, TheodoreMeletzus, DGaller, RBaldani, J I and Kennedy, Christina K
Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, vol. 71, (no. 3 Pt 2), pp. 521-30, 1999. | Journal Article
Molecular analysis of the chromosomal region encoding the nifA and nifB genes of Acetobacter diazotrophicus
Teixeira, KRSWulling, M.Morgan, TheodoreGaller, R.Zellerman, E.Baldani, JIKennedy, Christina K and Meletzus, D.
FEMS Microbiology Letters, vol. 176, (no. 2), pp. 301-309, 1999. | Journal Article