12 Grants
CAA: A Plant Genomics Research and Training Career Advancement Program
Smith, C. Michael
National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate for Biological Sciences, Division of Integrative Organismal Systems (ID: 0111041), $56,640USD, 08/15/2001 -- 12/31/2002
Diagnostic Molecular Genetic Markers to Detect Multi-Gene Greenbug Resistance in Wheat
Smith, C. M
Kansas Crop Improvement Association, $10,600, Jul 2000 -- Jun 2001
Potential for Imidazolinone-Resistance Sunflower Gene Escape and Altered Fitness of Related Wild Species
Smith, C. M
United States Department Of Agriculture (Usda), $160,000, Oct 2000 -- Sep 2003
Development of Molecular Markers for Aegilops tauschii Resistance to Wheat Curl Mite, Aceria tosichilla Keifer
Smith, C. M
Kansas State University Plant Biotechnology Center, $50,000, Jul 1998 -- Jun 2000
Exchange of Aegilops Germplasm and Molecular Biochemical Techniques for Enhanced Aphid Resistance in Wheat
Smith, C. M
United States Department Of Agriculture (Usda), $30,000, Feb 1998 -- Jan 2001
Wheat Tolerance to Greenbug Feeding Damage: Enhanced Search Through DNA Marker-Assisted Selection
Smith, C. M
Kansas State University Wheat Research Center, $15,000, Jan 1998 -- Dec 1998
Transformation of Russet Burbank Potato for Colorado Potato Beetle Resistance Using Microprojectile Particle Acceleration.
Smith, C. M
United States Department Of Agriculture (Usda), $25,100, Jul 1990 -- Apr 1991
An Integrated Program for Management of the Russian Wheat Aphid in the Pacific Northwest
Smith, C. M
United States Department Of Agriculture (Usda), $31,200, May 1988 -- Apr 1989
Computerized High Pressure Liquid Chromatographic Determination of Plant Allelochemicals and Insect Neurotransmitters
Smith, C. M
Louisiana Board Of Regents Research And Development Program, $75,000, May 1988 -- Apr 1990
Varietal Resistance to Insect Pests of Rice in the Caribbean Basin.
Smith, C. M
$96,500, Oct 1985 -- Sep 1987
Control of Pest Lepidoptera by Insecticide- Soybean Genotype Combinations.
Smith, C. M
United States Department Of Agriculture (Usda), $89,700, Oct 1983 -- Sep 1985
The Chemical Basis of Resistance to the Soybean Looper, Pseudoplusia includens (Walker) in Genotypes of Soybean
Smith, C. M
United States Department Of Agriculture (Usda), $100,000, Oct 1981 -- Sep 1984