Plant Breeding and Genetics. The focus of our research program has been centered on complex trait dissection, identifying molecular variation underlying phenotypic variation. Our research integrates knowledge in quantitative genetics, plant breeding, genomics, molecular genetics, and statistics with an ultimate goal of developing and applying new strategies and methods in trait dissection and crop improvement. Our current research includes genome-wide association analysis with diverse germplasm or multiple designed mapping populations, genomic selection to efficiently integrate high throughput genotyping into pedigree breeding, gene cloning of traits with agronomic and domestication importance, and genome and chromosome evolution across taxonomic groups. We have a species focus in sorghum and maize, but also collaborate with others in wheat, rice, and peanut. Specific research interests include: Association Mapping, Joint Linkage and Linkage Disequilibrium Mapping, Breeding Methodology, Marker-assisted Breeding, Genotype by Environment Interaction; Heterosis, Metabolic Control Analysis, Microarray, Experiment Design, Mixed Model, QTL/eQTL mapping; Genetic Modeling and Computer Simulation.
PhD, University of Minnesota, Plant Breeding & Genetics, 2003
MS, Kansas State University, Plant Breeding & Genetics, 2000
BS, Northwestern Agricultural University, Agronomy, 1994