54 Publications (Page 1 of 3)
Beyond grain: Agronomic, ecological, and economic benefits of diversifying crop rotations with wheat
Nitrogen fertilizer source, rate, placement, and application timing effect on sorghum (grain and forage) and corn grain yields. Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment
. | Journal Article
Screening the maize rhizobiome for consortia that improve Azospirillum brasilense root colonization and plant growth outcomes
Barua, NiloyClouse, Kayla M.Diaz, Dorivar A. RuizWagner, Maggie R.Platt, Thomas G. and Hansen, Ryan R.
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, vol. 7. | Journal Article
Long‐term yield response of corn, wheat, and double‐crop soybean to tillage and N placement. Agronomy Journal
. | Journal Article
Assessing the uncertainty of maize yield without nitrogen fertilization
Correndo, A.A.Rotundo, J.L.Tremblay, N.Archontoulis, S.Coulter, J.A.Ruiz-Diaz, D.Franzen, D.Franzluebbers, A.J.Nafziger, E.Schwalbert, R.Steinke, K.Williams, J.Messina, C.D. and Ciampitti, I.A.
Field Crops Research, vol. 260. | Journal Article
Comparing on-farm and long-term research experiments on soil carbon recovery by conservation agriculture in Southern Brazil
Oliveira Ferreira, A.Amado, T.J.C.Rice, C.W.Gon?alves, D.R.P. and Ruiz Diaz, D.A.
Land Degradation and Development, vol. 32, pp. 3365-3376. | Journal Article
Corn response to tillage and side-dress nitrogen management on claypan soil
Sweeney, D.W. and Ruiz Diaz, D.A.
Agrosystems, Geosciences and Environment, vol. 4. | Journal Article
Evaluation of biosolids-enriched ammonium sulfate vs. ammonium sulfate in soils and for plant growth
Chien, S.H.Singh, U. and Ruiz Diaz, D.A.
Agronomy Journal. | Journal Article
Evaluation of Mehlich-3 for determination of cation exchange capacity in Kansas soils
Rutter, Edmond BryanDiaz, Dorivar Ruiz and Hargrave, Lynn M.
Soil Science Society of America Journal. | Journal Article
Soil phosphorus fate and its lability after a long-term phosphorus fertilizer strategy in Brazilian Oxisol
Coelho, M.J.A.Ruiz-Diaz, D.Rodrigues, M.Ono, F.B.Kappes, C.Zancanaro, L. and Pavinato, P.S.
Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, vol. 67, pp. 1694-1707. | Journal Article
Unraveling uncertainty drivers of the maize yield response to nitrogen: A Bayesian and machine learning approach
Correndo, A.A.Tremblay, N.Coulter, J.A.Ruiz-Diaz, D.Franzen, D.Nafziger, E.Prasad, V.Rosso, L.H.M.Steinke, K.Du, J.Messina, C.D. and Ciampitti, I.A.
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, vol. 311. | Journal Article
Changes in the Phenotype of Winter Wheat Varieties Released Between 1920 and 2016 in Response to In-Furrow Fertilizer: Biomass Allocation, Yield, and Grain Protein Concentration
Maeoka, R.E.Sadras, V.O.Ciampitti, I.A.Diaz, D.R.Fritz, A.K. and Lollato, R.P.
Frontiers in Plant Science, vol. 10. | Journal Article
Impacts of ammonia volatilization from broadcast urea on winter wheat production
Perin, V.Perin, ViniciusSantos, Eduardo A.Santos, E.A.Lollato, RomuloLollato, R.Ruiz-Diaz, DorivarRuiz-Diaz, D.Kluitenberg, G.J. and Kluitenberg, Gerard J.
Agronomy Journal, vol. 112, pp. 3758-3772. | Journal Article
Long-term in-season grain sorghum and soybean response to tillage and nitrogen management
Sweeney, D.W. and Ruiz-Diaz, D.A.
Agrosystems, Geosciences and Environment, vol. 3. | Journal Article
Nitrogen fertilization for hay and seed from endophyte-free and endophyte-infected tall fescue
Sweeney, D.W.Farney, J.K.Moyer, J.L. and Ruiz Diaz, D.A.
Agrosystems, Geosciences and Environment, vol. 3. | Journal Article
Nitrogen fertilization offsets the N2O mitigating effects of cover-crops and double-crop soybean in a wheat?sorghum system
Preza-Fontes, G.Tomlinson, P.J.Roozeboom, K.L.Warren, J. and Ruiz Diaz, D.A.
Agronomy Journal, vol. 112, pp. 772-785. | Journal Article
Phosphorus fertilizer optimization is affected by soybean varieties and placement strategy
Rosa, A.T.Ruiz Diaz, D.A. and Hansel, F.D.
Journal of Plant Nutrition, vol. 43, pp. 2336-2349. | Journal Article
Utilizing soil phosphorus and potassium reserves for soybean production on a claypan soil
Sweeney, Daniel W. and Diaz, Dorivar A. Ruiz
Agronomy Journal, vol. 112, pp. 4386–4394. | Journal Article
Agronomic practices for reducing wheat yield gaps: A quantitative appraisal of progressive producers
Lollato, R.P.Diaz, D.A.R.Dewolf, E.Knapp, M.Peterson, D.E. and Fritz, A.K.
Crop Science, vol. 59, pp. 333-350. | Journal Article
Corn response to long-term phosphorus fertilizer application rate and placement with strip-tillage
Preston, C.L.Ruiz Diaz, D.A. and Mengel, D.B.
Agronomy Journal, vol. 111, pp. 841-850. | Journal Article
Evaluating grain sorghum hybrids for tolerance to iron chlorosis
Obour, A.Schlegel, A.Perumal, R.Holman, J. and Ruiz Diaz, D.
Journal of Plant Nutrition, vol. 42, pp. 401-409. | Journal Article
Genotypic Variation on Root Growth and Nutrient Uptake in Corn and Soybean
Rosa, A.T.Diaz, D.A.R.Hansel, F.D.Sebastian, J.S.V. and Adee, E.A.
Agrosystems, Geosciences and Environment, vol. 2, pp. 1-12. | Journal Article
Plant population and fungicide economically reduced winter wheat yield gap in kansas
Jaenisch, B.R.Oliveira Silva, A.DeWolf, E.Ruiz-Diaz, D.A. and Lollato, R.P.
Agronomy Journal, vol. 111, pp. 650-665. | Journal Article
Soil phosphorus fractions and legacy in a corn-soybean rotation on Mollisols in Kansas, USA
Arruda Coelho, M.J.Ruiz Diaz, D.Hettiarachchi, G.M.Dubou Hansel, F. and Pavinato, P.S.
Geoderma Regional, vol. 18. | Journal Article
Driving factors of soil carbon accumulation in Oxisols in long-term no-till systems of South Brazil
Oliveira Ferreira, A.Amado, T.J.C.Rice, C.W.Ruiz Diaz, D.A.Briedis, C.Inagaki, T.M. and Gon?alves, D.R.P.
Science of the Total Environment, vol. 622-623, pp. 735-742. | Journal Article